After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 355 Why is Xia Sien in

Chapter 355 Why is Xia Sien in

Qin Zexi was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, and the phone in his hand was still editing the message sent to Su Zhaoxue. Zhong Lian suddenly slammed on the brakes, causing him to sway forward, and the movement of his hands stopped.

"Boss." Zhong Lian called out to Qin Zexi cautiously.

Qin Zexi frowned and looked at Zhong Lian suspiciously, but found that he was winking at him.

The two had worked together for so many years, Qin Zexi naturally understood what Zhong Lian meant, looked in the direction of his eyes, and happened to see Su Zhaoxue who was flying towards him.

"Zhong Lian, what are you doing? Don't you know why Si En is sick? What are you doing to eat? Do you drive?"

At this time, Song Yiran, who was sitting in the back row, suddenly opened his mouth in displeasure.

"Don't worry about Miss Song, I didn't pay attention." Zhong Lian still apologized very nicely.

Song Yiran still seemed to be angry: "Hmph, if you were my assistant, I would have to fire you. Why are you still standing there, let's go."

However, when the words were finished, the sound of the car door opening was heard, and Qin Zexi, who was sitting in the front row, got out of the car immediately after.

Before getting out of the car, he gave Zhong Lian an order: "You drive them in first."

"Hey." Song Yiran seemed to want to stop him.

Just the moment he looked up, he suddenly saw the figure standing beside the car.

The expression on his face suddenly darkened, as if he was about to melt into this endless darkness.

"Yiran..." Xia Sien naturally saw Su Zhaoxue, and pulled Song Yiran a little nervously.

Song Yiran was already very upset, but when he heard Xia Sien's voice, he felt even more angry. Looking back at her just about to speak, he suddenly thought of something.

When Su Zhaoxue came back today, she specially wore a long skirt, and her hair was also specially dressed but draped over her shoulders.

She was standing next to the car, the smile on her face hadn't dissipated, and there seemed to be colorful colors in her big bright eyes. When she smiled, her cherry red lips slightly raised, giving people the feeling of It is as warm and comfortable as a spring breeze.

"Why did you come back suddenly?"

When Qin Zexi stepped forward, he stretched out his hand to grab her in his arms, and then wrapped his hands around her.

Looking down at Su Zhaoxue, Rumo's eyes are full of Su Zhaoxue's smiling face.

"Because I know you must miss me, so I came back."

Seeing Qin Zexi, Su Zhaoxue felt delighted from the bottom of her heart, and she was also smiling when she spoke.

"I miss you very much." Qin Zexi was infected, and subconsciously raised the corners of his mouth and laughed.

"Ah, so Miss Su is here."

Just when the two were glued to each other, a very inappropriate voice suddenly appeared.

Su Zhaoxue turned her head and saw Song Yiran standing beside the car and Xia Sien next to her!

Su Zhaoxue looked back at Qin Zexi with some doubts, didn't he come back so late because of overtime work?
But because of being with them?

Song Yiran looked at Su Zhaoxue and knew that she must have misunderstood, secretly rejoicing that his goal had been achieved.

Then he said again: "Why don't you tell me that Ms. Su is here, so that I can ask the housekeeper to open the door for you. After all, you are also a guest, right? It would be bad for you to wait at the door."

"Miss Zhaoxue, you're back." Zhong Lian naturally got out of the car, stood at Qin Zexi and greeted Su Zhaoxue tremblingly.

(End of this chapter)

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