After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 356 Just a small black spot

Chapter 356 Just a Little Black Spot
That's when he explained to Qin Zexi in a low voice: "Boss, they insisted on coming down, and I can't stop them."

"Well, you go to the car first." Qin Zexi responded lightly.

That's when he let go of Su Zhaoxue, and then took her hand.

"Come on, let's go in."

As he spoke, he led her to the side of the car, and then opened the rear door.

Su Zhaoxue glanced at Song Yiran and Xia Sien, and finally got into the car, with Qin Zexi following behind her.

"Qin Zexi, if you let Su Zhaoxue go up, where should we sit?" Song Yiran hurried over.

Qin Zexi leaned against the parking space, raised his eyes and looked at Song Yiran indifferently: "I'm sorry, my wife is back, so the car will naturally let her sit."

After speaking, there was a bang, and without giving Song Yiran any chance, he directly closed the car door.

Zhong Lian didn't dare to be negligent, he stepped on the gas pedal and entered the courtyard gate of the mansion as soon as he turned a corner.

The angry Song was still on the road, stamping his feet regardless of his image.

"Miss Zhaoxue, our boss is really in the company all day today. Miss Song and that Miss Xia only go to the company when they are about to get off work. The boss insists on bringing them back."

"Boss didn't want to at first, but Ms. Song took Ms. Xia and sat directly in the car. Later, there was no other way, so they came back together."

"Miss Zhaoxue, you must trust our boss."

Zhong Lian was afraid that Su Zhaoxue would misunderstand, so he started to explain non-stop as soon as he got in the car.

"Okay, Zhong Lian." Qin Zexi interrupted him: "You can go back and rest."

At this time, the car had already stopped at the gate of the mansion, Qin Zexi opened the door and took Su Zhaoxue out of the car.

"How many days have you asked for leave?" Qin Zexi gently took her hand and led her into the house.

"Well, two days."

"Okay, I'll accompany you."

"Then what about your work?" Su Zhaoxue turned to look at him.

It happened that Qin Zexi also turned his head sideways, and the moment his ink-like eyes met her gaze, a gleam of light suddenly appeared, and a smile appeared from the corner of his eyes: "Work is not as important as you."

Su Zhaoxue's heart was as sweet as eating honey, her little face was flushed, and she suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Well, tomorrow..."

"Sien, walk slowly, you are still in confinement."

But before he could speak, he was suddenly interrupted by Song Yiran's voice.

Su Zhaoxue turned her head to the side, just in time to see Song Yiran walking over with Xia Si'en in his arms.

Xia Sien didn't move very fast, it was obvious that Song Yiran said it on purpose.

"What did you just say? What's going on tomorrow?"

Qin Zexi didn't even turn his head to look at them, but straightened Su Zhaoxue's head back and looked at her seriously.

The look in her eyes seemed to say, don't pay attention to people who don't matter.

"I mean, you can accompany me to the obstetric examination tomorrow. Before the examination, I only did a blood test, but I haven't had a B-ultrasound yet. I want to go and have a look."

"Can you see it?" Qin Zexi seemed surprised, with excited joy in his eyes.

Su Zhaoxue was amused by his appearance: "I can only see a small black dot when I look at it now, and it will take at least six months before I can see a little person in my stomach."

"Little black spot, that's our child too." Qin Zexi smiled with an unusually gentle voice.

"What about the child?" Seeing that no one was talking to her, Song Yiran's face turned blue with anger, and he suddenly spoke again in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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