After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 357 The Way of Hospitality

Chapter 357 The Way of Hospitality
It's just that the tone of the speech is yin and yang, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Su Zhaoxue frowned and didn't answer her words.

Qin Zexi also seemed very upset, paused for a moment, not going to talk to her, and led Su Zhaoxue to enter the house.

"Sien, why are you so pitiful? Some people made you lose your child. Why can you still talk about the child in your belly so happily? This world is really unfair."

What Song Yiran deliberately said was Su Zhaoxue!

Qin Zexi ignored her and continued to lead Su Zhaoxue into the house.

Seeing that he had been ignored so many times, Song Yiran immediately pushed Xia Sien next to him angrily. Xia Sien was unprepared, pushed to the ground, and screamed: "Oh."

"Sien, why did you fall down? Oh, and you bled so much." Song Yiran suddenly screamed as if he was in a hurry.

Then he squatted down and held Xia Si'en down, signaling her not to speak with his eyes.

And he looked up at Qin Zexi, seeing that he didn't seem to want to stop, so he quickly shouted again: "Is there anyone, call quickly and ask the family doctor to come over."

Su Zhaoxue looked back, and found that Xia Sien had really fallen on the ground, and Song Yiran still seemed to be in a hurry.

It was then that he turned his head and gently pulled Qin Zexi, and then whispered: "It seems that she really fell down, do you want to go and have a look?"

Qin Zexi looked at her helplessly, then paused, and then let go of her: "Then you wait here for me, I'll go and have a look."

Su Zhaoxue nodded, and Qin Zexi turned around.

"Lie down and don't move, Qin Zexi is coming, you can find a way to lean on him later, let him hug you in, do you hear me?" Song Yiran looked at Qin Zexi slowly walking towards this side, and smiled secretly , quickly opened his mouth to remind Xia Sien.

Xia Si'en was a little embarrassed: "But I'm fine, I don't need him to hug me, I can go by myself."

"If you are told to be obedient, you will be obedient. Do you still want Xu Qinqi to marry you?" Song Yiran suddenly gave Xia Sien a look.

Xia Si'en couldn't refute, so he reluctantly nodded his head, which was regarded as his consent.

When Qin Zexi came over, there were servants in the mansion who heard Song Yiran's voice and ran over.

Qin Zexi didn't go too close, but stopped at a distance of two steps, and ordered the servants beside him: "Go to the house and call two people to come over, carry her in, and find a doctor to see what it is." Condition."

After speaking, turn around and leave

"Qin Zexi." Song Yiran saw that something was wrong, it was completely different from what she thought, and that's why he hurriedly stopped him.

Qin Zexi looked back at her with a frown and didn't speak.

Song was still stared at by his eyes. For some reason, he felt guilty, his eyes flickered, and then he pointed at the servant and said, "You and him carry Sien in."

"Hug her, why?" Qin Zexi suddenly sneered.

Song still didn't know what to say, so he had to say: "She is a guest, this is not the most basic way of hospitality."

"She is your guest, not mine. If you have to talk about hospitality, that's fine. You can hug her."

After Qin Zexi finished speaking, he didn't want to say a word to her, turned around and walked towards Su Zhaoxue.

(End of this chapter)

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