After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 358 Boy or Girl

Chapter 358 Boy or Girl
Because she was going to the hospital for a birth checkup the next day, Su Zhaoxue specially set an alarm clock, thinking she needed to get up early to get a number.

It's just that the alarm clock rang the next day, but Qin Zexi insisted on holding her up.

Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to pat him lightly: "It's time to get up, and I won't be able to watch it when I don't have a number in the next row."

"Sleep for a while, sleep for a while, I haven't hugged you to sleep for a long time." Qin Zexi closed his eyes, as if talking to himself.

"But wait..." Su Zhaoxue wanted to continue talking.

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi suddenly poked his head over and kissed her: "Well, dear, sleep with me for a while."

Su Zhaoxue.
Is there anyone else who stays in bed like this?
Later, for some reason, Su Zhaoxue also fell asleep, and when she woke up again, it was already nine o'clock.

The person next to him has long since disappeared!

"Oh my god." Su Zhaoxue jumped up in shock.

Just as Qin Zexi came out of the bathroom, he had already changed his clothes and was buttoning the sleeves of his shirt.

Seeing Su Zhaoxue's flustered look, she suddenly smiled, and then stepped forward to hug her: "What are you doing in such a hurry?"

"It's all your fault. Why didn't you call me when you got up? It's nine o'clock now, and I'm sure you won't be able to get in the hospital when you get there." Su Zhaoxue was annoyed.

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi was not in a hurry at all, but smiled instead: "Well, blame me, blame me, who made you smell so good, I hugged you to sleep, and didn't want to wake up at all."

Qin Zexi's words, on the surface, seemed to admit his mistakes with a good attitude, but in fact, he didn't mean to admit his mistakes at all.

"My fragrance blames me for falling. I won't let you hug me next time." When Su Zhaoxue was talking, she patted Qin Zexi's arm that was holding her in disgust.

"Okay, don't be angry, I've sent someone to make an appointment with the doctor early in the morning, and the time is just right now."

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment: "You have already made an appointment? Didn't you in the morning?"

Isn't it because you stay in bed and don't want to get up? How can you arrange for someone to make an appointment with the doctor?
Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi smiled and said, "In order to sleep with you in my arms, it must be properly arranged."

In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to get up in the morning, it's just that he doesn't want to see her so tired, so he pretends to stay in bed.

After simply eating breakfast, he set off for the hospital. As Qin Zexi said, he made an appointment with the doctor, and immediately went to take a B-ultrasound, and then did a blood test.

The B-ultrasound can already see the gestational sac, and the development is still normal, and there are already fetal heart and fetal buds.

It's just that the doctor explained that Su Zhaoxue is too thin and has some symptoms of anemia, so she still needs more supplements, so as to ensure the healthy growth of the child and the adults will not be too tired.

The two left the doctor's office and planned to drive.

Su Zhaoxue held the B-ultrasound list, and was so happy!

Looking at the little black dot on the list, I felt as if something had sprouted from the ground. That feeling was really amazing.

"Do you think it's amazing?" Looking at Su Zhaoxue, Qin Zexi unconsciously laughed too.

Su Zhaoxue nodded: "Well, I don't know if it's a boy or a girl."

As he spoke, he seemed to remember something, and looked up at Qin Zexi: "Do you want a boy or a girl?"

"I want a girl." Qin Zexi looked down at her with tenderness in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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