Chapter 359

"A girl as good-looking as you."

Qin Zexi has been talking too much sweet talk lately, and Su Zhaoxue feels like she's been soaking in a honey pot all day long.

If you are not careful, you will be sweetened!

This is not now!

And it's still too sweet!

"Hi, Miss."

It's just that Su Zhaoxue didn't expect to meet Wang Xuan'er in the hospital!

Wang Xuan'er was more than a month earlier than Su Zhaoxue, so now she is almost three months or four months old, and she already has the posture of a pregnant woman.

It's just that she doesn't seem to realize that she is a pregnant woman who has already had a month, and she still runs like flying.

Every time Su Zhaoxue saw her run away, she would be terrified!
I'm afraid that something unexpected will happen!

Wang Xuan'er rushed up and wanted to give Su Zhaoxue a big hug, but she didn't want to be cut off by Qin Zexi halfway.

Qin Zexi hugged Su Zhaoxue directly, standing between the two of them.

Wang Xuan'er looked at Qin Zexi with some displeasure, and said to Su Zhaoxue as if complaining: "Miss, look at your husband, he looks like a light bulb, he just wants to hug you because he hasn't seen you for a long time."

Su Zhaoxue almost laughed at Wang Xuan'er's analogy!
"I don't know who the light bulb is." Qin Zexi shot Wang Xuan'er a glance, and fought back.

"You, you are a light bulb. Isn't that what people say on the Internet? You are sandwiched between my young lady and me. You are a light bulb, and you are the one with a relatively large wattage."

Wang Xuan'er looked serious, pouted and explained.

Su Zhaoxue gently pulled Qin Zexi, then shook his head at him, which meant to let him not mind what Wang Xuan'er said.

Su Zhaoxue actually knew that Qin Zexi stood in front of her because she was worried that Wang Xuan'er would accidentally bump into her when she came over, and some minor accident would happen.

It's just that he doesn't know Wang Xuan'er very well. She is a child at heart, simple but not reckless.

Although Qin Zexi was worried, he finally let go of Su Zhaoxue.

Su Zhaoxue stood in front of Wang Xuan'er, just smiled and held Wang Xuan'er's hand: "Are you here for the birth checkup, alone?"

"Well, my husband is busy at work today." Wang Xuan'er nodded and explained seriously.

Su Zhaoxue has seen Han Jianfeng's attitude towards Wang Xuan'er before. If he can accompany Wang Xuan'er to the obstetric examination, it will be considered that the sun has come out from the west.

Su Zhaoxue didn't intend to ask any further questions, so she quickly changed the subject: "Then what are you going to do next? How about going to dinner together?"

Wang Xuan'er pouted: "Yeah, but my husband told me not to run around. I was afraid that something might happen to the baby in my stomach. I went to take pictures of the baby today. The doctor said that I seemed to have a miscarriage."

"Abortion?" Su Zhaoxue was a little surprised.

It is reasonable to say that Wang Xuan'er has been there for four months, so such a situation should not happen.

"The doctor told me not to move around as much as possible, and not to eat cold things. He said to rest in bed for a while, and then come back for a review." Wang Xuan'er blinked her big eyes, and when she spoke, there was a trace of timidity in her eyes.

Su Zhaoxue quickly comforted her: "Don't be afraid, the baby is much stronger than we imagined, you have a good rest at home recently, don't jump around like this again, you know?"

"Well, I see, young lady." Wang Xuan'er suddenly laughed, happy again.

(End of this chapter)

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