Chapter 360

"Miss sister, how about you, how is the baby in your belly?" Wang Xuan'er smiled and stretched out her hand to gently probe Su Zhaoxue's stomach.

"I'm fine, my stomach is still small."

When Su Zhaoxue was talking, she accidentally glanced behind Wang Xuan'er, and suddenly found Han Jianfeng and Ou Ruting not far away.

Both of them were wearing white coats, and they were discussing something while walking. Ou Ruting smiled with a proud face.

Su Zhaoxue's words suddenly stopped and she couldn't speak!
Only now did she know that Han Jianfeng belonged to this hospital!

Sure enough, he is a scumbag, so he is very busy?
I'm afraid it's all an excuse!
How long did it take to accompany my wife in the hospital where I worked?
If you want to, it's okay to have a conversation with her.

It's time to chat and laugh with others!
"Xuan'er, we."

Su Zhaoxue didn't want Wang Xuan'er to see Han Jianfeng, mainly because she was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable, and was about to pull her away while talking.

But he didn't want Wang Xuan'er to turn around suddenly, and naturally saw Han Jianfeng.

"Husband." Wang Xuan'er immediately waved and shouted happily.

Han Jianfeng and the others were not too far away. They stayed in the lobby. Although there were not many people around, there were still a few people. When they shouted, everyone's eyes focused on Wang Xuan'er.

Even the medical staff in the window looked over unconsciously, Han Jianfeng paused, as if he was surprised that Wang Xuan'er would be in the hospital, and then he was about to come over soon.

But she didn't want Ou Ruting to pull him suddenly, and then shook her head towards him: "Jianfeng, don't go over, Wang Xuan'er looks like this, and a discerning person can tell that she is pregnant; there are so many people here, they will guess blindly."


Han Jianfeng seemed dissatisfied with Ou Ruting's wording, and turned his head to look at her: "I'm an aboveboard married person, and my wife is pregnant, so I still need to avoid suspicion?"

"No, I mean." Ou Ruting's face suddenly changed, and she hurriedly wanted to explain.

But he didn't want Han Jianfeng to leave her behind, and then walked towards Wang Xuan'er alone.

"I knew my husband would definitely come over. That Ou Ruting is really annoying." Wang Xuan'er looked at Han Jianfeng approaching, seemed very happy, and ran over quickly and lightly.

"Husband." Wang Xuan'er wanted to hug Han Jianfeng, and called him coquettishly.

However, Han Jianfeng stretched out a finger and pushed it away against her head.

Wang Xuan'er saw that he couldn't do it, rolled her eyes, and quickly wrapped her arms around his arms, and then stuck her whole body beside him.

"Husband, we are really destined to meet each other."

The corner of Han Jianfeng's mouth twitched: "Didn't you come to squat on me?"

Han Jianfeng thought that Wang Xuan'er came to the hospital on purpose to pretend to meet him by chance.

"No, today is the day for the obstetric examination, and I'm here for the obstetric examination." Wang Xuan'er shook her head hastily.

"Obstetrical examination? Why didn't you tell me?" Han Jianfeng was surprised, his originally cold face suddenly softened a lot.

It turned out that she didn't come to squat him on purpose!
"I asked you yesterday. You said you were very busy, so I came here by myself." Wang Xuan'er said, her voice became smaller and smaller, and she looked a little aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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