After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 371 Don't Try to Challenge the Bottom Line

Chapter 371 Don't Try to Challenge the Bottom Line
Song still seemed a little guilty, his eyes flickered: "Why am I here, why am I here, it's not because of Si En."

Xia Sien was squatting beside the bed, covering Xu Qinqi with a quilt. Hearing Song Yiran mention her, he was stunned for a moment. He turned his head to say something, but Song Yiran stepped on his foot.

And it's not light.

Xia Sien exclaimed directly in pain: "Hey."

"Sien, what's the matter with you, what's the matter with you?" Song Yiran still pretended to care about Xia Sien very much.

Xia Sien's eyes were red with pain, and she looked at Song Yiran with aggrieved eyes.

Song Yiran winked at her, and then said: "Are you okay, I told you not to come, but if you insist, people think we are here to do bad things."

"Then why are you here?" Qin Zexi ignored Song Yiran's intentionally vague words.

"It was Sien who saw Xu Qinqi and thought something happened to him, that's why he ran here."

"It's quite a coincidence that you just saw it." Qin Zexi couldn't help but sneered.

"It's a coincidence. Since you are here, we should go too."

Song still pulled Xia Sien, got up and seemed to want to leave.

It's just that Xia Si'en didn't seem to be very willing, squatting beside the bed and unwilling to get up.

"Xia Si'en, what are you doing?" Song Yiran winked at her desperately.

"Don't forget that you just finished confinement."

What Song Yiran said was not to want Xia Sien to pay attention to his body, but to remind Xia Sien that their plan had not been completed yet, and no mistakes could be made now.

Xia Si'en was full of reluctance, but under Song Yiran's incessant counseling, she had no choice but to get up.

Song Yiran pulled her and wanted to go out, but when he passed by Qin Zexi, Song Yiran stopped suddenly and looked at him as if he remembered something: "Oh, yes, I gave Si En a sum of money, which is regarded as Compensation for that child."

The meaning in those words seemed to be telling Qin Zexi, I have already solved your mess for you.

Although the words were addressed to Qin Zexi, the purpose was actually to be addressed to Su Zhaoxue.

"You give Xia Sien money, that's your own business, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with us, so why waste your tongue."

Song Yiran just wanted Su Zhaoxue to misunderstand him, and after doing so many things, he just wanted to create a gap between her and Qin Zexi.

Song Yiran didn't seem to expect that Su Zhaoxue would speak. He froze for a moment and then smiled disdainfully: "We? Which us? I don't seem to have talked to you. Just answering other people's words will only make you look very uneducated, you know Su Miss."

"Zhaoxue and I are husband and wife and a family. Why can't we be used? And what Zhaoxue said is not wrong. You want to be a good person and give money to Xia Sien. What does it matter to us? Do you think you are educated if you talk like this? My When is it your turn to make irresponsible remarks here, a woman?"

Qin Zexi stared at Song Yiran very displeasedly, staring coldly at Song Yiran from his feet to the top of his head, which seemed to be freezing, and his whole body was shivering from the cold.

"I didn't mean that." Song Yiran hesitated for a second, but he was so flustered that he still had to bite the bullet and try to explain.

"Song Yiran, I'm warning you for the last time, don't try to challenge my bottom line, don't blame me for not treating you as family."

(End of this chapter)

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