After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 372 Saffron

Chapter 372 Saffron

What is Qin Zexi's bottom line!
It's Su Zhaoxue!

Song Yiran took Xia Si'en away in despair, Qin Zexi and Su Zhaoxue naturally wouldn't stay for long, and after they came out, they closed the door for Xu Qinqi, and the two walked towards Su Zhaoxue's room.

Just when the door was closed, Xu Qinqi, who was lying on the bed as if asleep, suddenly opened his eyes, looked in the direction of the door, and sneered.

Song Yiran took Xia Sien back to the room they had reserved before. As soon as Song Yiran entered the room, he let go of the hand that was supporting Xia Sien, and then cast her a very impatient look: "It's really not enough to make things happen. Yuyu, if it wasn't for you, I would have been suppressed by Su Zhaoxue, and I would have been warned by Qin Zexi?"

"I originally came here to let Qin Zexi and Su Zhaoxue separate by taking advantage of your miscarriage. Fortunately, you can't do anything well, and you actually want to make trouble for me."

"If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have looked for you. It's all because Ou Ruting gave me such a bad idea. Now it's all over. It's a mess. The couple didn't separate, so you have caused me so much trouble."

Xia Sien was stepped on by Song Yiran, and her feet were still in pain. At first, she didn't pay much attention to Song Yiran's words, so she leaned against the wall and took off her shoes to let her feet breathe, and check if they were swollen.

Suddenly hearing Ou Ruting's name made her stunned for a moment, and looked up at Song Yiran: "What advice does Ruting give you?"

Song Yiran was stunned for a moment, realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, and hurriedly said: "What advice can she give me, she just takes care of me and asks me to take good care of you. She is now a Wang Xuan'er enough for her to burn her head. Why don't you care about us?"

"Wang Xuan'er seems to be pregnant too." Xia Sien didn't pay much attention to Song Yiran's previous words.

"Well, Han Jianfeng is a doctor. If she wants to get rid of Wang Xuan'er's child, she must not use abortion pills."

Xia Sien was very surprised: "Ru Ting wants to get rid of Wang Xuan'er's child?"

"What are you doing? There's nothing to make a fuss about." Looking at her like this, Song Yiran thought it was ridiculous, and said indifferently: "It's not just a matter of a day or two for Ru Ting to like Han Jianfeng, isn't it normal. "

"Even if Wang Xuan'er has children, if Han Jianfeng likes Ruting, it's not an obstacle."

Unexpectedly, Song Yiran sneered: "Don't stand and talk without pain in your back. If Su Zhaoxue is really pregnant with Xu Qinqi's child, don't you want to get rid of the child in her belly?"

This time Xia Sien opened his mouth but didn't answer, because she didn't know if she would have such an idea.

However, at this moment, Song still seemed to suddenly think of something: "I was too busy talking to you, why did I ignore the child in Su Zhaoxue's stomach? No, I'm going to call Ou Ruting and ask, see what happened last time. Does she still have the abortion medicine?"

Abortion medicine?

Xia Sien frowned, always felt that Song Yiran's words were a bit weird, but he couldn't tell where the weirdness came from!

"Husband, husband, husband."

Holding a glass bottle in her hand, Wang Xuan'er came out of the kitchen excitedly.

Not long after Han Jianfeng came back, he was resting on the sofa in the living room with his eyes closed.

Hearing Wang Xuan'er's voice, he subconsciously frowned!
(End of this chapter)

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