After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 378 Frame Xia Sien

Chapter 378 Frame Xia Sien
"Give it the residue in the broken bowl too."

The servant did not dare to disobey Qin Zexi's order, even if Song Yiran was on the sidelines, he did not dare to say a word.

The atmosphere in the yard is really indescribable for a moment!

A few adults surrounded a mouse and watched it eat, and none of them spoke. Those who didn't know thought this family had a special hobby.

When the mouse had eaten almost all the residue in the broken bowl and licked up the soup spilled on the ground, Qin Zexi finally said, "Okay, this mouse will be handed over to you tonight. Take care of it carefully, it is pregnant, if there is any problem, I will only take care of you."

After Qin Zexi finished speaking, he led Su Zhaoxue by the hand, intending to enter the house.

I don't know if it was Qin Zexi's words that frightened the servant, and as soon as he turned around, he heard the servant's voice that seemed to be about to cry: "Master, master, it's none of my business, it's none of my business, I will It's just a servant who can only do things according to orders, it's really none of my business."

"What are you doing? What are you talking about? I just asked you to take care of a mouse. It scares you. You can't even take care of a mouse. Why did our family ask you to eat rice?" Song Yiran heard what the servant said. Knowing that something was wrong, he hurried forward and glared at the servant.

The servant stood there, his eyes were red with grievance, but he didn't dare to say anything.

What Qin Zexi was waiting for was now, with a chuckle raised at the corner of his mouth, he turned to look at the servant, and asked, "Can't even take care of a mouse?"

"No, master, the mouse is... it's pregnant."

"Is there a problem with being pregnant?"

"No..." The servant lowered his head, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

Qin Zexi was not in a hurry anyway, and asked slowly, "What is that?"

"Just now, in that soup just now..."

When the servant was talking, he still looked at Song Yiran in fear: "There is a miscarriage medicine in that soup."

If Su Zhaoxue didn't understand why Qin Zexi gave the soup to the mice just now, he now understands.

There was abortion medicine in the soup, which really surprised Su Zhaoxue, and at the same time, she was very lucky, fortunately, she didn't drink this soup just now.

"Abortion medicine? You should think clearly when you speak. There is a pregnant woman at home now. If you say a wrong word, there may be unnecessary consequences." Song Yiran suddenly seemed surprised and spoke loudly. .

The meaning of those words, on the surface, seemed to be a reminder to the servant, but in fact it was just a warning to her not to talk nonsense.

The servant was so frightened that he didn't dare to vent his anger, so he could only stammer: "I... I didn't talk nonsense. If you don't believe me, you can wait and see the reaction of the mouse. The medicine in the soup is very heavy. People can't stand it, let alone this little mouse."

"Oh? You took this medicine?" Qin Zexi didn't seem to be surprised, and the tone of the question was flat and unusual.

The servant hurriedly waved his hand in denial: "No, no, it's not me, it's not me."

"Who is that? You have to answer me within five seconds, or I will take it as your fault." Qin Zexi's face suddenly darkened, and he didn't even give the servant any chance to catch his breath.

"Yes, yes..." The servant was so anxious and afraid that he was about to cry.

"Did Miss Xia ask you to do it?" At this moment, Song Yiran suddenly and quickly took over the servant's words.

(End of this chapter)

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