After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 379 Frame Xia Sien

Chapter 379 Frame Xia Sien
The servant seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then nodded quickly in response: "Yes, yes."

"It's really Xia Si'en." Song Yiran deliberately raised his voice: "No, I'm going to find out."

Xia Sien didn't come out of the room, Song Yiran said that he had already walked towards the room, but when he looked at Qin Zexi, he stopped: "How about we go together?"

Looking at Song Yiran's expression of fearing that the world will not be chaotic, Qin Zexi couldn't help but smile: "Okay."

He wants to see who will bite like a dog bites a dog.

After entering the house, Xia Si'en was on the sofa in the living room, flicking on the phone, wanting to check the news about Xu Qinqi.

Song Yiran rushed in suddenly, preemptively said: "Xia Si'en, I didn't expect you to be such a person, I feel sorry for you, I kindly brought you back to raise your health, I didn't expect you to want to harm others when your own child is gone. My child, why are you so vicious, you."

Xia Sien was baffled by Song Yiran's words, so he stood up with a dazed expression: "What?"

"Don't play dumb for me, Xia Sien, you are simply too vicious, you leave my house quickly, you are not welcome here, and I, Song Yiran, will only treat you as a friend from now on." It is impossible for Song Yiran to give Xia Sien anything Opportunity, pointed at the door and was about to drive her away.

Xia Si'en wasn't that kind of tempered at first, so he couldn't stand being scolded by Song Yiran like that.In addition, in front of her, she was always bullied intentionally or unintentionally. Now that new and old hatreds surged up together, she was naturally angry: "Song Yiran, it was you who insisted on dragging me to your house before. I begged you to bring me back? Isn't it because you asked for me, so you want me to help you. "

"What's the matter, now I feel that I am useless, not only can't help you, but also always make trouble for you, so you want to drive me away?"

"I'm vicious? I don't know who is vicious."

"Do you think I'd like to stay at your house? Hmph, let me tell you Song Yiran, even if you beg me to come, I won't come anymore."

As Xia Sien said, he turned angrily and walked upstairs, it seemed that he was going to pack his things.

When Qin Zexi and Su Zhaoxue came in, the conversation between the two had just ended, but their voices were not small, and they could be heard clearly outside.

"Okay, Xia Si'en admitted it, I've already let her go, she's going up to pack her things now."

Seeing Qin Zexi come in, Song Yiran immediately explained.

He paused for a moment, then seemed to be hesitating: "Since she has admitted it, can you look at my face and not pursue this matter, anyway, nothing happened to Ms. Su. Sien was the same before. .”

Song Yiran was talking, but suddenly stopped, originally she wanted to say that Xia Sien was also pregnant with Qin Zexi's child before, this time Su Zhaoxue didn't have an accident, so don't worry about it.

Just thinking about the warning Qin Zexi gave her before, Song Yiran subconsciously stopped speaking.

Qin Zexi listened to her words, but suddenly there was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "For your face, why should I give you face?"

Song still didn't expect Qin Zexi to be so direct, he was taken aback for a moment, and then met his gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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