After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 39 This guy, he always has to pay back when he comes out to hang out!

Chapter 39 This guy, he always has to pay back when he comes out to hang out!
Hearing Su Cheng's tone just now, it seemed that he wanted Qin Zexi to do him some favors!

Although Qin Zexi might not care, but no matter what, it's all for her!
"Okay, I want to know the answer." Although she was full of dissatisfaction, Su Zhaoxue still obediently admitted.

She wanted to know why Qin Zexi signed her there?
In fact, Su Zhen wouldn't accept Li's play, and Qin Zexi went to say hello, but Su Zhen didn't dare to stop her, so there was no need to go to great lengths to sign her.

Qin Zexi seemed very satisfied with Su Zhaoxue's answer, and a smile appeared in his dark pupils: "Then would you like to come to Galen?"

After speaking, he emphasized again: "What I want to hear is the truth."

Why did you go around and still didn't hear the answer, but was led away by Qin Zexi instead?

Saying that she doesn't want it is all superficial words, but she doesn't have such expectations.

"Anyway, it's normal. When I signed Red Orange, it was mainly to repay Su Zhen's money."

If the gallon comes, she will have more opportunities, can pay back the money earlier, and can save money for her mother to see a doctor, then she is still very willing.

Gallon's development speed in the circle this year is also very fast, and he has already left Red Orange by a large margin.

Big companies have the advantages of big companies, that is, they have more resources, but they also have their disadvantages, that is, there are a lot of talents, everyone in the entertainment industry, high-profile, good acting skills, and those who can be called famous, 70.00% of them are in the gallon.

She is such a third-tier artist, so she can't be squeezed to death?
"That's it?" Qin Zexi's voice was obviously a little heavy.

The answer was not what he wanted to hear.

"En." Su Zhaoxue didn't understand what he meant, but nodded solemnly.

Otherwise what else?
Maybe he wants to hear from her that she is willing to join Gallon, because Gallon is his company, so the two of them will have more opportunities to get in touch.

Let her go, she has a thin skin!

Even if she really thought so, she wouldn't say so!
Besides, someone may not like to listen!

Qin Zexi's eyes darkened, and his tone suddenly became cold again: "I signed you to the gallon because Director Li recommended you to me, and he said you have great potential."

"Oh, that's it." Su Zhaoxue didn't realize how surprised she was. Director Li wanted to ask Qin Zexi for some favors, so he would definitely say something nice about her.

This time Qin Zexi didn't speak any more, and the carriage suddenly fell silent again.

Su Zhaoxue quietly turned her head to look at him. Qin Zexi was sitting on the seat. In the dark compartment, she couldn't see his expression clearly. She could only faintly feel that he seemed a little angry!
It's just that she couldn't figure out where this qi came from.

Thinking back to what I just said, it seems that there is nothing out of the ordinary.

Zhong Lian in front of him drove the car tremblingly. With his many years of experience with Qin Zexi, even if he didn't look at it at this moment, he would know that he, the boss who can't figure it out, is probably sulking at his wife again.

Before meeting Su Zhaoxue, Zhong Lian always thought that the boss of his family was a cold-blooded animal. Children, but show mercy!

It's just that this person always has to pay back when he comes out to hang out!
I didn't expect that the cold-blooded boss would stumble one day!
 Cry out with a wow, don't ask for anything else, just ask for a five-star praise!
  The author just doesn't want the score to come out next Monday, and it's still blank. There's no way to meet this weak request!

(End of this chapter)

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