After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 40 About the Reason for Signing Su Zhaoxue

Chapter 40 About the Reason for Signing Su Zhaoxue

Regarding the matter of signing Su Zhaoxue to join the gallon, Zhong Lian knew everything about it.

Originally, Qin Zexi didn't think about it, but Director Li accidentally mentioned it, saying that Su Zhaoxue was oppressed by Su Zhen in Red Orange in the past two years, and was often forced to take some thankless roles. .

Hearing that Su Zhaoxue was not doing well, Qin Zexi felt distressed. He put down the phone and immediately went to investigate. Su Zhaoxue has been in red and orange for the past two years.

After the investigation, it was exactly as Director Li said. Qin Zexi's face was dark at the time, holding the investigation report, he almost crushed the piece of paper into shattered fractures.

If Zhong Lian hadn't stopped him at that time, Qin Zexi would have been on the negotiating table for the acquisition of Hongcheng by now.

It is said that this woman is a beauty, and it is true!

Even Qin Zexi, who was always calm and wise, couldn't escape this hurdle!
TWO-X already has a gallon, and it's so much better than red orange, it's pointless to buy red orange.

Although Qin Zexi doesn't lack that little money!

So when Qin Zexi wanted to sign Su Zhaoxue, it was not at all that Director Li recommended her as he said, saying that she had great potential.

This is nonsense, not believable at all!
The real purpose is that he wants to protect her, put her on his own territory, and have more opportunities to get in touch with her.

More importantly, it can enhance the relationship, right?
Originally, he was quite happy, so he took it for granted that Su Zhaoxue would be happy too.

However, Su Zhaoxue's lukewarm answer obviously made him put a hot face on his back.

Qin Zexi was originally a person who didn't talk much and didn't want to explain more!

So I went to sulk myself!

Sullen all the way to the door of the house, the car had just stopped, and before Zhong Lian got out of the car to open the door, he had already pushed open the door and got out of the car.

Seeing this, Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to quickly follow and get out of the car.

Qin Zexi lives in a single-family villa in a high-end community. Outside the villa is a high wall surrounded by green shade. In the yard of the villa is a large green lawn, as well as a rockery with a special structure and a small garden. It is a fastidious person at first glance. address!
Because it was night, the villa was brightly lit. Before entering, I saw a middle-aged man in his forties standing at the door of the villa.

Qin Zexi went in first, and vaguely heard the middle-aged man call him young master.

When waiting for Su Zhaoxue to approach, she also smiled kindly and kindly: "Miss Su."

Su Zhaoxue nodded politely and smiled, "Hi, excuse me."

"What did Miss Su say, you can just call me Uncle Han. I am the housekeeper in the young master's villa. No matter what happens at home, you can come to me."

At this time, Qin Zexi, who had already stepped into the room, suddenly stopped, turned his head and glanced at Su Zhaoxue, and then said, "Uncle Han, don't call her Miss Su, call her Young Madam."

Su Zhaoxue was stunned, what does Qin Zexi mean?
Han Bo was also stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses, looked at Su Zhaoxue, then at Qin Zexi, hesitated to speak, and finally smiled and shouted reluctantly: "Young Madam, it was Han Bo who was rude. "

young lady!
This title sounds really good!
Qin Zexi was in a bad mood at first, but suddenly became clearer, and a smile could not help but rise from the corner of his mouth.

 Happy Friday!

  Are you on vacation????!

(End of this chapter)

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