After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 41 is over, hopelessly over!

Chapter 41 is over, hopelessly over!

When Zhong Lian came over with Su Zhaoxue's luggage, he happened to see the smile on the corner of Qin Zexi's mouth, and he felt really speechless for a moment!

Don't everyone say that a woman's heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea, how come the boss has become a man's heart in the bottom of the sea?
I was still sullen a second ago, I just wanted to put on a look of bitterness and hatred!

At this second, it was just a title, and he laughed again.

Boss, boss, you are finished, hopelessly finished.

"Mrs. Su, your room is on the second floor. It has been packed for you. I will take you there."

After entering the villa, Han Bo ordered someone to catch Su Zhaoxue's luggage, and this is the way he said respectfully to her. I don't know if he is not used to it. When he called Mrs. Su Zhaoxue, he always felt a little awkward and blunt. very.

But Su Zhaoxue didn't care too much about it. Originally, she thought it was okay for him to call her by her name directly as an elder, but after thinking about it, it was Qin Zexi's order. Even if Han Bo was not used to it, he would probably bite the bullet and call her by her name.

"Troubleshooting." Su Zhaoxue responded with a smile, and followed him to the second floor.

After entering the bedroom, Su Zhaoxue realized that everything in her previous room was neatly placed inside.

"When the young master brought your things here, he specifically told us not to move them casually, so I didn't help you tidy them up. If you need to, please give me an order, and I'll arrange someone to come over immediately."

Han Bo stood at the door, but he knew the rules and didn't follow in.

"No, no, I have very few things, and it's not troublesome to sort them out."

Su Zhaoxue quickly refused with a smile, she is not some kind of Miss Jiao, she does not need help for such a trivial matter as tidying things up.

"Then you rest, and I won't bother you." Han Bo closed the door for her after speaking, and then left.

The moment the door was closed, the brows suddenly frowned.

When going downstairs, I just ran into Qin Zexi who was about to come up.

Han Bo stepped aside immediately: "Master."

Qin Zexi nodded at him lightly: "It's nothing, you should go to rest early."

"Yes." Han Bo lowered his head.

Qin Zexi didn't stop, and had already crossed over.

"Master." Han Bo suddenly raised his head and called him.

Qin Zexi stopped and looked back at him suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

Han Bo hesitated to speak: "Have you talked to the old man about the young lady?"

Han Bo was sent by the Gu family in the capital to take care of Qin Zexi. The old man he was talking about was Gu Yanming, Qin Zexi's grandfather.

Qin Zexi's mother, Gu Ling, was Gu Yanming's youngest daughter. Back then, because she insisted on marrying Qin Zexi's father, Qin Heli, she had a falling out with her family and broke off the relationship.

Later, because something happened to the Qin family, Gu Yanming took Qin Zexi back.

Gu Yanming also has an adopted daughter, the eldest daughter, named Gu Ping.

After Gu Ping got married, she got divorced and gave birth to a daughter named Song Yiran.

I don't know what old man Gu is thinking. He actually wants Qin Zexi and Song Yiran to get married. Although they haven't said it clearly these years, everyone in the Gu family knows what old man Gu thinks.

"I didn't say anything, is there a problem?" Qin Zexi looked at Han Bo, his eyes darkened, and his voice became cold unconsciously.

Han Bo has been taking care of Qin Zexi for many years. He knows that this young master's mind is difficult to guess, and that things that have been decided are never easily changed.

But this matter is no small matter!
(End of this chapter)

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