Chapter 400
Wang Xuan'er stayed in the hospital for almost a week, and the results of other examinations showed no difference, except that although there were some abnormalities in the Siwei report.

The doctor said that there had always been a blood clot on the child's brain, and he was afraid that it would affect the child's normal life, so he suggested that Wang Xuan'er consider whether to wait a month to see the situation, or to induce labor.

"You are still young, even if this child is gone, there will be another one."

Wang Xuan'er directly rejected the doctor's suggestion and asked Su Zhaoxue to take her out of the hospital that day.

Su Zhaoxue's idea was that she still needed to be hospitalized for observation for a few days, but under Wang Xuan'er's persistent request, Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to discharge her from the hospital, thinking that she might be in a better mood after going out.

Su Zhaoxue planned to take Wang Xuan'er back home, but she was halfway there, but Wang Xuan'er suddenly pulled her: "Miss, I want to go back and collect my things."

"I'll send someone to collect it for you."

Su Zhaoxue didn't want Wang Xuan'er and Han Jianfeng to meet at all.

"No, I can clean up my things myself. Besides, I don't want to leave a little thing there, even if it's a used toothbrush."

Su Zhaoxue glanced at the time, it was two o'clock in the afternoon, logically speaking, Han Jianfeng should not be at home.

But Su Zhaoxue ignored one thing. Two o'clock in the afternoon is almost the working time, but today is Sunday. Even a doctor needs to rest when he is not on duty.

Then, the scene that she didn't want to see the most was seen by Su Zhaoxue.

When they went in, both Han Jianfeng and Ou Ruting were in the room.

And the two were sitting on the sofa, Han Jianfeng seemed to be changing Ou Ruting's dressing.

When Wang Xuan'er went in, she saw this scene, she didn't seem to be able to react, she was taken aback for a moment and said directly: "My husband, what are you doing."

Han Jianfeng seemed surprised that Wang Xuan'er would come back suddenly. He gave her a complicated look, but didn't answer.

"Can't you see, Jianfeng is changing my medicine, I said, why do you have the face?" Ou Ruting cast a disdainful glance at Wang Xuan'er.

Then he looked at Han Jianfeng again, and whispered deliberately: "Jianfeng, can you change the combination of the door lock, I am afraid that if I am alone at home one day, someone will come in with a knife if they know the combination. If I don't come back in time next time, I will lose my life."

When Ou Ruting was talking, she seemed to be really scared, and leaned against Han Jianfeng.

"Well, it will be changed. You sit down first, and I will apply the medicine for you."

Han Jianfeng frowned a little impatiently. From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Wang Xuan'er, who was standing on the side, and subconsciously moved back to widen the distance between the two. His tone was calm, and he couldn't hear any emotion. .

"Well, take it easy, it hurts."

Ou Ruting deliberately spoke in a coquettish tone, just to provoke Wang Xuan'er.

Wang Xuan'er stood at the door in a daze, looking at the two people on the sofa with a dazed and bewildered expression.

Su Zhaoxue looked distressed, so she stepped forward and put her arms around her shoulders, turned her sideways, and prevented her from watching the scene on the sofa: "Okay, Xuan'er, let's pack our things."

"En, good." Wang Xuan'er lowered her head and responded in a low voice, very well-behaved.

(End of this chapter)

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