After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 401 Throwing things in the trash can

Chapter 401 Throwing things in the trash can

"Your stuff is at the door, didn't you see it when you came in?"

But at this moment Ou Ruting suddenly answered.

"Why are you touching other people's things casually?" Wang Xuan'er turned around quickly in anger, and then glared at Ou Ruting.

Ou Ruting still looked indifferent: "Isn't it all rubbish? It was originally intended to be thrown into the trash can, but Jianfeng said that you might come back to pick it up, so it was put at the door."

"Your stuff is trash."

Wang Xuan'er was anxious and angry, turned around and ran towards the door, Su Zhaoxue was worried that she would follow her.

When they came in just now, they really didn't notice it, but when they went out, they found that there were really two bags of things at the door.

Wang Xuan'er squatted down, opened it, and turned it over. Su Zhaoxue originally thought she was checking if there was anything missing, but who knew that she was waiting for her to turn it over for a while, but suddenly stood up: "No, I will give it to the little one." The things that the cub prepared, why are they not here, I want to go in and have a look."

Said that Wang Xuan'er had already quickly ran towards the house, Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to follow her into the house again.

Wang Xuan'er's room was on the second floor, next to Han Jianfeng's room.

However, when Wang Xuan'er opened the door, she found that all her original things in the room were gone, and her style had changed into something else.

Wang Xuan'er stood at the door, stunned, completely unaware of what happened.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I live in this room now. I think the room below is uncomfortable and not conducive to the recovery of the wound, so I discussed with Jian Feng and moved up."

Ou Ruting was haunted, and suddenly appeared in front of the two of them again, leaning against the wall beside her, deliberately revealing the bandaged wound, looking at Wang Xuan'er proudly and smiling.

"Give me back the things I prepared for the little brat." Wang Xuan'er looked at her coldly, but seemed very calm.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I threw everything in the house at the door. If you can't find it there, it must have gone into the trash can. Maybe it's already in the garbage transfer station by this time. A pile of powder."

"Ou Ruting, return the things to me."

Wang Xuan'er was really annoyed by Ou Ruting, so she stepped forward and pushed Ou Ruting.

"That's something I prepared for the brat. Why did you throw it away? It's my thing. Why did you throw it away?"

Ou Ruting was so weak that she was pushed by Wang Xuan'er and fell to the ground.

Su Zhaoxue went forward to pull Wang Xuan'er, trying to calm her down: "Xuan'er, well, you are still pregnant."

Ou Ruting obviously did it on purpose, and it's very, very unworthy to be angry with someone like her.

"Ou Ruting, how can you be so vicious, you want to drive me away, well, I will leave as you wish, you have already lived in this room now, why do you still want to throw away the things I prepared for the brat ?”

Wang Xuan'er was trembling with anger, her eyes were red, she clenched her fists tightly, as if she was enduring great anger in her heart.

Ou Ruting sat on the ground, and looked at Wang Xuan'er with a smile: "Anyway, those things are useless, aren't they? Why keep them? I'm here to prevent you from being sad, so you don't want to thank me, and you want to repay your kindness. Speaking of Vicious, how can I get on you, don't you think so?"

(End of this chapter)

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