After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 404 Give way

Chapter 404 Give way

Su Zhaoxue took the elevator up to the top floor alone. The entire top floor was occupied by an independent president's office. When she got off the elevator, she went straight to the front desk of the president's office. It was just that it was off-duty time, and there was no one at the front desk, and the lights were on. It is also dark.

As Su Zhaoxue walked forward, she could vaguely see a fierce voice coming from a door on the right side of the front desk.

Su Zhaoxue took a few steps forward, and this is what she heard more clearly: "Such a big incident happened in the company because of your wrong decision-making. Look at Gu's for so many years, no matter whether it is the old president or President Gu Ping, you have never made such a mistake before, why did you have a problem when you came to the company?"

"In the final analysis, he is still too young. We can understand the old president's thoughts. You are his only grandson who is related by blood. It is understandable that he gave you the company, but he can't ignore the company's life and death. Our company Thousands of people are counting on Gu's life."

"That's right, so many of us depend on Mrs. Gu's life."

"You said that you made such a big mistake when you came here, and that the Gu Corporation was almost destroyed by you. What qualifications do you have to hold on to the position of CEO and not let go?"

There were several voices in the room, each accusing Qin Zexi, and there were many echoing voices around.

"Seniors, the matter of mistakes is not our President Qin's problem. I have explained it to you before. You can look at the project data. Why do you always make it difficult for President Qin?"

This time Zhonglian finally opened his mouth to explain for Qin Zexi!

"It wasn't his mistake, but whose. He is the decision maker of the company. Do you think we should be blamed for this mistake?"

"You are a little assistant, you have no part to speak, so go away."

"I also participated in this project, why can't I speak? And the reason for this project's accident is really not because of our President Qin's decision-making. You are all experienced people, and you can tell it at a glance, but you have been quarreling Seeing Mr. Qin not let go, I really doubt what your purpose is."

Zhong Lian's face turned red and white, but he still defended Qin Zexi very righteously.

"Qin Zexi, what's the matter when you come out to speak and want your assistant to speak for you?"

"That's right, isn't it a guilty conscience?"

"What I want to say, Zhong Lian has already said it for me, what else do you want me to say?"

Qin Zexi's voice was deep and deep, not loud, but it gave people a strong deterrent effect.

As if with an innate aura, the tense conference room was instantly quiet for two seconds!

All the veterans present looked at each other in blank dismay. At this time, a bold one spoke first: "Whatever you say, just say that you are not suitable for the position of CEO, and you have to let it out."

"Yes, yes, let it out!"

"Get out!"

"Let him come out."

At this time, some people have already started to join in!

Human beings are really natural repeaters, even if they agree, they just keep repeating!
"Give it up? Give it to you? Or is anyone among you interested in my position? If you are interested, just stand up."

Qin Zexi couldn't help but sneered, the expression on his face showed no emotion, he remained calm as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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