After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 405 Don't Come To Work Tomorrow

Chapter 405 Don't Come To Work Tomorrow
Qin Zexi's words fell silent, and the conference room became quiet again!

Qin Zexi was not in a hurry, sitting on the boss chair in the meeting room, leaning lazily on the back of the chair, putting one hand on the meeting table, tapping his own table lightly, with a half-smile smile on the corner of his mouth!

That way, it feels like you know everything!
It seems that they simply dismissed their protests!
That group of elders did not expect that they would be hundreds of years old in total, and they would be shocked by a yellow-haired boy today, so where is the face being spread.

"We don't want to sit, but there's someone better suited to this position than you."

At this time, among the group of elders, someone suddenly said something.

Very good, it is finally time to say the purpose.

"Oh? Then tell me who is more suitable for this position? You can stand up and talk to me, so that we can discuss more thoroughly, can't you?"

Qin Zexi kept smiling at the corner of his mouth, and stared straight at the person who was speaking. In his deep eyes, there seemed to be no end in sight, but it made people feel inexplicably pierced by thousands of arrows.

The person who spoke was the manager of the Investment Promotion Department, and Gu Ping mentioned it, so he is naturally Gu Ping's confidant in the company!

This person's surname is Wang. Although he has always been in the Gu family, because of his limited ability, he has always been in the same position. If it wasn't for Gu Ping, he might not be the manager of the investment promotion department until he retires.

Manager Wang was actually a little scared by Qin Zexi, and he regretted why he said these words at this time.

Even if he wanted to say it, he had to wait for Gu Ping to come. In that case, with Gu Ping around, he could be a little tougher.

He took a step back unconsciously, but the elders around him didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, as if they had a tacit understanding, they all took a step back and let him stand at the forefront of everyone.

Manager Wang couldn't help but spurned this group of people in his heart. He didn't want to be a leader. This is a flattering smile: "Boss Qin, I have no other intentions, but I was a little excited just now."

Seeing that man's humble appearance like a villain, Qin Zexi couldn't help but sneered: "Excited? Oh, understandable, but you can talk about what you thought when you were excited just now? Who is more suitable than me? Take this seat?"

"No, no, you are the person arranged by the old president. Naturally, you have the intention of the old president. How dare I say anything else."

"Since you say that, what do you mean by coming here?" When Qin Zexi was speaking, he glanced sharply at the elders behind him.

"I'm not with them, not together." Manager Wang quickly denied.

"Then what are you here for?" Qin Zexi narrowed his eyes, looking at Manager Wang, his eyes were full of scrutiny and scrutiny.


However, before he could finish speaking, Qin Zexi directly interrupted him: "There are regulations in the company that employees are not allowed to spread rumors, create rumors to cause trouble, and gather crowds to make trouble. Haven't you memorized the company's employee rules?"

"I do not have it."

"But it's a fact that you stand here, and you don't have to go to work tomorrow."

When Manager Wang got nervous, he only cared about protecting himself, but he didn't know that he dug a hole for himself, and even buried himself.

(End of this chapter)

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