After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 406 Did You Forget One Thing

Chapter 406 Did You Forget Something
Hearing that he was fired, Manager Wang, who was still nervous, suddenly became angry.

"Labor and management don't want to do it yet. Who do you think you are. What labor and management just said is that you are not worthy of the position of CEO. How about it? Listen clearly now?"

"It's not because she is the grandson of the old president. What can you do? President Gu Ping is much more capable than you. It's just because she is the adopted daughter of the old president that she suffers a bit in terms of status."

As he spoke, he pointed to the group of people behind him: "Let them talk and see if their evaluation of you is the same. But it's just a blood relationship."

Su Zhaoxue was frightened to death listening outside, but she couldn't just rush in like this, for fear of causing trouble for Qin Zexi!

At this moment, the elevator suddenly made a "ding", and someone came up.

Su Zhaoxue looked back subconsciously, and saw Gu Ping walking over with Song Yiran.

In the evening, Gu Ping was actually wearing a formal business attire, and her makeup was also meticulously done.

She was obviously taking care of Mr. Gu in the hospital, even if she came to the company at this time, she shouldn't be dressed like this.

It was obvious at a glance that they had planned it long ago.

It seems that Su Zhaoxue really guessed it right. This time the disturbance was planned by them.

When Gu Ping saw Su Zhaoxue, she didn't seem surprised at all, she snorted coldly, and said to Song Yiran who was behind her: "Since there are old friends here, then you should be here."

After speaking, he pushed the door and walked in!

"Tch, old friend, my mother is really too polite to you." Song Yiran looked at Su Zhaoxue with disdain on his face.

Su Zhaoxue didn't want to talk to her, and leaned against the door, wanting to continue listening to the movement inside.

"Don't listen. I told you that my mother is fully prepared to come here. You can't change anything after listening to it. Otherwise, you wouldn't be standing here, right? Qin Zexi will definitely be kicked out of the Gu family today. of."

Su Zhaoxue cast her a glance: "Song Yiran, what is your heart made of?"

"Is it made of coal? So black?"

"Su Zhaoxue, don't be shameless." Song still didn't expect Su Zhaoxue to scold her in a roundabout way, and his face turned black with anger.

Su Zhaoxue said indifferently: "I didn't ask you to give me face. On the contrary, I should have said this sentence to you. I didn't pay attention to you. It was you who wanted to talk to me."

"You just want to show off. You want to show off that Mrs. Gu will finally belong to you mother and daughter. Is it useful? I don't bother to talk to you."

Song Yiran was still very angry at first, but for some reason, he suddenly chuckled: "Oh, Su Zhaoxue, I will let you show off your verbal skills for a minute, and let me tell you, when you still have to beg me in the future, when you come When you knelt on the ground and licked my shoes, don't be so stubborn."

"Song Yiran, did you forget something?" But at this time Su Zhaoxue suddenly asked her inexplicably.

Song still froze for a moment: "What do you want to say?"

"The abortion pill you gave me last time was taken from Ou Ruting."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Xia Sien gave you the abortion pill. It's none of my business. How do I know where she got it?" Song Yiran seemed surprised and panicked, Su Zhaoxue would suddenly mention this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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