After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 408 You Just Like Xu Qinqi

Chapter 408 You Just Like Xu Qinqi

Just waiting for her to take off the mask, Su Zhaoxue was suddenly stunned!

On Xia Sien's face, there was a long scar that stretched from her jaw to her temple.

In other words, this scar has been running through half of her face!

Su Zhaoxue never expected that Xia Si'en, who hadn't seen her for a few days, would turn out like this.

Xia Sien sneered, as if he didn't care: "I was scratched with a spoon."

Su Zhaoxue:
Who is so cruel, with any grudges or grievances, to use a spoon to draw such a long scar on someone.

"Are you curious, where did I get this?"

"It's not thanks to you, Song Yiran."

Xia Sien suddenly looked at Song Yiran with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to eat people.

Song was still caught off guard. He was startled and subconsciously took a step back.

"What, are you scared?" Xia Si'en looked at her, and suddenly laughed again.

Song still pretended to be calm: "What am I afraid of? I have nothing to be afraid of. Xia Sien, you have to suffer on your own. It has nothing to do with me."

Xia Sien stared: "It's none of your business? You gave that servant the abortion medicine in Su Zhaoxue soup, why did you frame me?"

"If it wasn't because of your framing, I wouldn't be so angry to throw the vase."

"Why do you say it's me? The servant said you were the mastermind. You need evidence to frame a frame. You don't have any evidence. How can you say that I framed you?" Song Yiran still seemed to be very reasonable. .

This time, Xia Sien was not excited by Song Yiran's words, but just smiled lightly: "Oh, Song Yiran, I have always regarded you as a friend before, but now that I think about it, I am really not just blind."

"Obviously knowing that you took me to your house, it's pitiful to say that I'm alone and no one takes care of me. In fact, it's just to make me angry with Su Zhaoxue, but I still went."

Song Yiran suddenly chuckled disdainfully: "Funny, don't you have this idea? Don't you want to anger Su Zhaoxue? You like Xu Qinqi, but he doesn't like you, he likes Su Zhaoxue, so you just want to Get angry at Su Zhaoxue. You don't even know how much you looked like a clown at that time, haha, it's so obvious that Xu Qinqi doesn't like you, you are indeed blind, that's why you can't see."

Song Yiran's words were really vicious, and he said what was really hurting his heart, completely ignoring Xu Qinqi standing here, saying these words, where Xia Si'en's self-esteem should be put.

"Song Yiran, you want to anger me..."

Song Yiran has known Xia Sien for many years, and she knows Xia Sien's character.

It's just that after saying these words, Xia Si'en not only didn't get angry and came up to make a fuss with her, but looked at her very calmly.

These are two completely different people from the previous Xia Sien. Song still stared at her in surprise, and then pretended to be calm after a long pause: "It's ridiculous, what good can I do if I'm mad at you, not everything I said Is it true, isn’t it like this? You just like Xu Qinqi, that’s why you put yourself up there, but people don’t like you, you see you’re pregnant, and they don’t recognize you, it’s really pitiful Woolen cloth!"

(End of this chapter)

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