After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 409 Xia Sien What Do You Want To Do?

Chapter 409 Xia Sien What Do You Want To Do?

"I'm not pregnant with Xu Qinqi's child."


Song still didn't seem to react at once!

Xia Sien sneered: "I'm not pregnant with Xu Qinqi's child, haven't you read the previous inspection report?"

"Isn't your report false?"

"Who told you it was fake."

"Then the child in your belly..."

"none of your business?"

Song Yiran seemed to think of something suddenly: "You are really pregnant with Qin Zexi's child? How is it possible?"

Song still opened his eyes wide, with an expression of disbelief!

Of course, Su Zhaoxue was also unbelievable. She didn't understand why Xia Sien was still lying at this moment!
"Song Yiran, you asked Ou Ruting to prescribe the abortion medicine. You registered it in your own name. I brought the list for you."

Xia Si'en didn't seem to want to talk to Song Yiran about the child, so suddenly he raised his hand and took out a piece of paper similar to a small ticket.

Su Zhaoxue glanced at it. It was a prescription form from the hospital, with the patient's name on it and the name of the medicine to be prescribed underneath.

Song was still a little flustered, and subconsciously wanted to snatch it away.

But he didn't want Xia Si'en to move faster than her, and put away the paper first.

Looking at Song Yiran with a smile: "Are you panicking now? When you framed me, didn't you think that I would actually find this?"

"So what if you find it! What can you explain with just a list? Can it prove that I put the medicine in Su Zhaoxue's soup? Besides, there are so many people with the same name and surname, can it prove that I took the medicine?" Song Yiran was still stubborn and refused to admit it.

Xia Si'en had expected that she would not admit it, so she was not in a hurry, but said again: "But you took antihypertensive medicine for Mr. Gu in the same hospital before, and it was also in your name, and it was prescribed for you. The doctor who happened to be the attending doctor of Mr. Gu."

"And what a coincidence."

When Xia Sien was talking, he paused on purpose, looked at Song Yiran's changed face, and smiled a little smugly: "When you prescribed the antihypertensive medicine for Mr. Gu, why did you go back with the medicine to boost the blood pressure? , it’s both lowering and boosting blood pressure, so it’s possible that your family has two patients?”

Song Yiran was already panicking at this moment, not knowing where to go, but he still looked at Xia Sien pretending to be calm: "I bought the blood pressure medicine for my mother, and the blood pressure medicine for my grandfather. What's the conflict? It is also normal for me to buy medicine. My mother has always been the one who took medicine for my grandfather. Recently, when I return to China, it will be my turn. I feel sorry for my mother and want to take good care of my grandfather. There is a problem with this. Why? Xia Sien, why are you more lenient than the police in the Pacific Ocean, and you even went to check the medicine I took, does it have something to do with you?"


Hearing Song Yiran's words, Xia Sien suddenly roared loudly.

Song Yiran was panicked at first, but this time he was shocked by Xia Sien's roar.

Looking at Xia Si'en, there was panic in his eyes.

When did Song Yiran ever have such a look and performance? Xia Sien seemed to be very satisfied and smiled: "Haha, Song Yiran, look at you and say that you are not a guilty conscience. Looking at your face, you are so scared that you are pale." .”

"Xia Si'en, what exactly do you want to do?" Song Yiran obviously couldn't pretend to be calm anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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