After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 410 I Can Help Qin Zexi

Chapter 410 I Can Help Qin Zexi

"I don't want to do anything." Xia Sien said indifferently: "I just want to ask you, is your old man's illness caused by the booster drugs you gave him?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Song Yiran suddenly changed his face, pointed at Xia Sien, and almost jumped up.

Xia Sien raised her eyebrows and looked at her: "What are you so excited about?"

"You framed me, can I not be excited?"

Xia Si'en remained calm: "Whether I have framed you, don't you know the best?"

Song Yiran was really pissed off, and glared at Xia Sien with a big air: "Let me tell you, Xia Sien, you have to be responsible for framing it. Don't think that you can ignore everything just by saying a few words casually."

"Responsible? Oh, I see. That's fine. If we want to be responsible, we will bear it together. At worst, we will go in and squat for a few days? But it is not a disadvantage to be able to go in with you."

Song still didn't expect that Xia Si'en could still talk to her with a smile.

The angry face was red and white: "Xia Si'en, don't engage in any psychological warfare with me, let me tell you, if you have any evidence, you can show evidence, don't tell me that there is nothing wrong with it, if you continue to mess around Talk, I will immediately call the security guards to come up and throw you out."

"We don't need you to bang, we will leave by ourselves. I came here to tell you Song Yiran, I will not turn over the matter that you framed me before so easily, and don't think that I have no evidence, just now The receipt shown to you is only part of it, and if you want to see the rest, we will go to the police station to see it."

After Xia Sien finished speaking, he put on the mask again, glanced at Xu Qinqi, turned around and walked towards the elevator entrance.

"Xu Qinqi, what do you mean by helping Xia Sien to harm me? You hate me so much. Last time I went to see you, you didn't even pay attention to me." Song Yiran saw that Xia Sien had left, and finally focused on Xu Qinqi body.

Xu Qinqi frowned, without even looking at her, he turned directly to Su Zhaoxue, "Little fairy, I can help Qin Zexi, if you need it, please contact me at any time, but I have a condition, it can only be you, and no one else will." talk."

After speaking, they both put their pockets in their pockets, turned around directly, and left with Xia Sien.

Just in time, the door of the conference room opened, and Gu Ping walked out first, with the corner of her mouth showing a triumphant and arrogant look.

Song Yiran ran over as soon as he saw her, and then took her by the arm: "Mom, how are you doing?"

Gu Ping patted her hand: "Don't worry, it will definitely succeed."

After Gu Ping left, several people followed in the conference room.

Su Zhaoxue hurried into the conference room, and as soon as she entered, she saw Qin Zexi sitting on the boss chair in front of the conference table, leaning against the back of the chair with her eyes closed, looking exhausted.

Zhong Lian was standing beside him, saw Su Zhaoxue, and was about to say hello.

But it was stopped by Su Zhaoxue!

Zhong Lian tactfully withdrew, and Su Zhaoxue walked over lightly.

Standing behind the chair, she put her hands on his temples and pressed them gently for him.


Qin Zexi was quite surprised at first, but he didn't finish his sentence, and told him to react, then slowly raised his hand to hold Su Zhaoxue's hand, squeezed it, and said softly, "Why are you here?"

"Well, I'm worried about you, so come and see."

(End of this chapter)

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