After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 419 Wang Xuan'er was born prematurely

Chapter 419 Wang Xuan'er was born prematurely

"Xuan'er is shameless or you are shameless. The couple hasn't divorced yet. You, an outsider who has nothing to do with you for eight lifetimes, blatantly asks people to sign a divorce agreement? What does it matter to you whether they divorce or not? Even Han The Jia family and the Ou family plan to get married, so what, after all, Han Jianfeng is the man Wang Xuan'er used, and you, Ou Ruting, are so eager to pick up trash used by others, Ou Ruting, have you never seen a man or something? "

Su Zhaoxue couldn't bear the way Ou Ruting bullied Wang Xuan'er, since Han Jianfeng didn't help Wang Xuan'er, then she would help.

It's really eye-opening for a man who robs others to be so confident in robbing them!
"Miss, don't pay attention to her, it's not worthwhile to get angry."

At this time, Wang Xuan'er suddenly pulled her: "I don't want to make my husband unhappy."

Su Zhaoxue:
After being bullied to the top of her head, Wang Xuan'er was still thinking about Han Jianfeng!
Han Jianfeng was Wang Xuan'er's savior in his previous life, but he failed to make Wang Xuan'er so devoted to him.

After glaring at Han Jianfeng fiercely, Su Zhaoxue said to Wang Xuan'er: "Then I'll wait for you next to you, and come find me after you finish talking."

"Well, okay, I'll come right away after I say a few words."

Su Zhaoxue walked aside, found a seat and sat down.

"Go and do your work too." Han Jianfeng also wanted to send Ou Ruting away.

Ou Ruting didn't want to leave, but when she met Han Jianfeng's cold face, her words were suddenly blocked.

"Then I'll wait for you over there, then hurry up, there will be surgery later." Although Ou Ruting was extremely reluctant, she still took a step back, and then walked towards the side.

When looking at Su Zhaoxue on the rest chair beside her, a sneer suddenly emerged from the corner of her mouth.

"Husband." Seeing Ou Ruting leaving, Wang Xuan'er called Han Jianfeng again.


Han Jianfeng replied for the first time.

Wang Xuan'er was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously called him again: "Husband."


"Hey, hubby, this is the first time you've responded." Wang Xuan'er suddenly grinned.

Wang Xuan'er's smile was really pretty, and Han Jianfeng seemed to be infected, and he also laughed unconsciously.

Wang Xuan'er looked at him and blinked her eyes: "My husband, you should really smile more. Look, you look so pretty when you smile. It's just a pity that I probably won't have this chance."

Han Jianfeng twitched his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he still didn't make a sound.

Wang Xuan'er seemed to be used to it a long time ago and didn't mind, and then said: "Husband, do you still remember that I told you that I don't belong here, and I came to you through Wang Xuan'er's body."

"Do you still remember that time, the time you drank too much, hehe, in fact, it was also me that time, when I saw that you were about to fall over too much, I borrowed Wang Xuan'er because I was anxious."

"Actually, at that time, I knew that the real Wang Xuan'er was running out of time, so in order to stay by your side, I went back and begged the elders in our clan to give me the ability to move freely here."

"It's just a pity, this ability will disappear soon, I should go back."

"But before my husband leaves, I want to ask you one thing."

(End of this chapter)

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