After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 420 Wang Xuan'er was born prematurely

Chapter 420 Wang Xuan'er was born prematurely

"Where are you going?

However, Han Jianfeng suddenly spoke as if he didn't hear her words.

Wang Xuan'er paused: "Go home, go back to my own home."

"Then can I find you?"

Wang Xuan'er looked at Han Jianfeng strangely, feeling that he was different from the previous one.

"Honey, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking for me? Don't you always dislike me? No one will pester you after I leave, so you can relax."

"Are you afraid that I will take the kid away? Don't worry, I won't take him away."

Wang Xuan'er smiled: "I left you the little brat, I just hope he can make you happy in the future."

"It's my husband, can you not marry Ou Ruting. I'm afraid that she will bully the kid in the future, and she is really bad. If you are with her, you will be implicated."

As Wang Xuan'er said, she was afraid that Han Jianfeng might misunderstand her, so she hurriedly said, "But you can marry other women, anyone can, except Ou Ruting. I beg you, husband, please promise me."

Wang Xuan'er opened her eyes wide and looked at Han Jianfeng, her eyes were full of pleading. She originally wanted to go forward and pull Han Jianfeng to act coquettishly, but after thinking about it, she still didn't.

If my husband hates her so much, he must not like her like this.

She can't make her husband angry now, and she will entrust him to take care of the little boy in the future. What should she do if she gets angry and he leaves, or doesn't want the little boy anymore!
"Then what if I say no?" Unexpectedly, Han Jianfeng rejected her directly.


He said no, then he must marry Ou Ruting!
Wang Xuan'er's eyes suddenly turned red. She looked at Han Jianfeng, bit her lip hard, and then smiled suddenly: "Honey, you really like Ou Ruting very much."

The tears in her eyes flowed out silently, and Wang Xuan'er choked out: "It doesn't matter, if my husband likes it, Xuan'er likes it too, as long as you treat the little boy well in the future, husband, you can occasionally think of him when you see him." I, that's fine."

"I can't promise you this either. Since you gave birth to this child, you should fulfill the responsibilities of a mother."

Han Jianfeng's tone of voice was a bit cold, but looking at Wang Xuan'er's eyes, there seemed to be a trace of fear.

Afraid that if she leaves, she will never come back!
It's just that Wang Xuan'er was full of sadness at this time, so naturally she didn't notice the worry and fear that flashed quickly in Han Jianfeng's eyes.

"Then you mean, brat, you don't want it now either."

Han Jianfeng clenched his fist tightly: "You are his mother, you should take care of him."

"Heh." Wang Xuan'er felt that her heart was being pierced by a knife, and she had already regressed, but what she didn't expect was that Han Jianfeng didn't even want a child now.

Wang Xuan'er felt disheartened for the first time!
"That's OK..."

Suppressing those losses, those angers, and those desolate sorrows in his heart fiercely!

Wang Xuan'er plans to leave!

It turns out that the heart really hurts, and it hurts so badly that she can't even breathe smoothly, as if she will die from the pain in the next second.

It's just why besides the heartache, my stomach also started to hurt, and it seemed like something was flowing out.

Wang Xuan'er suddenly started to panic, and shouted: "Miss sister, miss sister."

(End of this chapter)

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