After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 421 Wang Xuan'er was born prematurely

Chapter 421 Wang Xuan'er was born prematurely

When Ou Ruting walked over, Su Zhaoxue put the inspection report on the seat suddenly, blocking Ou Ruting's thoughts of sitting next to her!
This woman, Su Zhaoxue was afraid that she would be impulsive and fight her regardless.

Seeing Su Zhaoxue's actions, Ou Ruting was not annoyed, but suddenly chuckled, put her hands in her outer pockets, and leaned against the wall beside her: "Su Zhaoxue, what are you doing, you and I Is there any hatred? Do you have to do this to me? "

"You gave Song Yiran the abortion medicine, do you think we have a grudge or not?" Su Zhaoxue looked up at Ou Ruting, her sharp eyes were like a knife: "If my child dies that day, you will be an accomplice."

"Oh, an accomplice? You and Wang Xuan'er really look alike, both like to steal other people's men, and always feel that you are the victim." Who knows that Ou Ruting said very disdainfully, as if she did it herself Things are taken for granted.

"Steal someone else's man?"

Su Zhaoxue couldn't help laughing, and she didn't know if Ou Ruting's heart was as strong as the surface when she said such words!

"Is your name written on Han Jianfeng's face? Or does his name appear on your household registration? Don't forget, it was Wang Xuan'er who married Han Jianfeng. Ou Ruting, did you feel that you very disgusting?"

Ou Ruting seemed to be annoyed by Su Zhaoxue's words, her voice became louder unconsciously, and the smile on her face disappeared instantly: "It was originally, the Han and Ou families planned to get married, if it wasn't because of Wang Xuan'er, then this book The name on the marriage certificate will be my Ou Ruting's name."

Funny and pathetic!
Su Zhaoxue shook her head unavoidably: "Ou Ruting, you always emphasize that the Korean and European families want to get married, so let me ask you, does Han Jianfeng like you? You have known each other for more than ten years, right? Have you ever had a trace of feelings between a man and a woman?"

Listening to Su Zhaoxue's words, Ou Ruting seemed to be stunned for an instant!

Su Zhaoxue knew she was right because she liked her appearance!

Han Jianfeng actually doesn't like her!
She also seemed to understand that what Qin Zexi said to her before, Han Jianfeng didn't dislike Wang Xuan'er, but he had too many things to worry about!

He is the only seedling of the Han family, and he is also a man. A man should have the responsibility of a man, and he cannot disobey his parents.

But if you can't disobey your parents, you have to wrong Wang Xuan'er!
Cut, from Su Zhaoxue's point of view, this is still no man's responsibility!
Since he likes Wang Xuan'er, why doesn't he try to save her?

"Ou Ruting, Han Jianfeng doesn't like you at all, right? In fact, you know it very well in your heart, but you like Han Jianfeng, that's why you keep emphasizing the marriage between the Han and Ou families. In fact, it's just a pitiful feeling of inferiority in your heart. , do you think that you have won Wang Xuan'er like this? It's ridiculous!"

Su Zhaoxue's words seemed to have poked Ou Ruting's wound. She was so hurt that she didn't even have the strength to resist, so she could only stare at Su Zhaoxue.

But soon she looked at the corner of her mouth with a smile: "Su Zhaoxue, you have the leisure to take care of other people's affairs, have you settled your own affairs?"

Ou Ruting's smile was definitely not a kind smile, and those words also meant something else.

(End of this chapter)

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