After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 422 Wang Xuan'er was born prematurely

Chapter 422 Wang Xuan'er was born prematurely

Su Zhaoxue inevitably became defensive: "What do you mean? Tell me what you have to say."

"Hehe, you can just ask Qin Zexi. The Gu family is about to change, and you still have the time to meddle in other people's affairs. Su Zhaoxue, I really don't know if you are big-hearted or don't care at all."

Su Zhaoxue was startled, and then suddenly remembered that Qin Zexi hadn't come back for several days!

Su Zhaoxue thought he was busy before and didn't pay much attention to it, but after hearing Ou Ruting's reminder, she felt that things were not as simple as she thought.

Su Zhaoxue wanted to say something else, but Wang Xuan'er's eager cry suddenly came over.

Su Zhaoxue turned her head and saw the pale Wang Xuan'er, who slowly squatted down while supporting her stomach.

At first, Han Jianfeng watched her squat down slowly, thinking that Wang Xuan'er was tired from standing for a long time.


Before she could say a word when she got closer, she suddenly saw that her face was all white, and there were dense beads of sweat on her forehead.

Han Jianfeng was startled at this moment, and quickly squatted down, asking eagerly, "How are you? Do you have a stomachache?"

"Husband, husband." Wang Xuan'er supported her stomach with one hand, and pinched Han Jianfeng's white coat sleeve with the other hand: "My stomach hurts, the amniotic fluid seems to be broken, the baby may be coming out, you hold me. Take me to the obstetrics department."

"Okay, just bear with it."

In an emergency, Han Jianfeng didn't care too much, he just hugged Wang Xuan'er and ran towards the elevator.

"Hey, Xuan'er." Su Zhaoxue followed behind her, but was still thrown by Han Jianfeng a lot.

"Jianfeng..." Ou Ruting seemed to want to catch up with Han Jianfeng, but Han Jianfeng's footsteps were too fast.

Han Jianfeng was really anxious, and after a while he showed up in the obstetrics department with Wang Xuan'er in his arms.

After entering the gate of the obstetrics department, I shouted: "Director Lin, Director Lin, my wife is about to give birth..."

Director Lin is the director of the obstetrics department, and he is having a meeting with the attending doctors below, discussing some special cases with each other.

At this time, a little nurse hurried over: "Director Lin, Director Han came over with a woman in his arms, saying that she was born prematurely, and asked you to go and see. Director Han said that it was her wife."

Director Lin had no choice but to terminate the meeting, then frowned and rushed out: "Director Han, Director Han of the Department of Neurology? When did he get married?"

While waiting for Su Zhaoxue and Ou Ruting to rush over, Han Jianfeng was standing alone in front of the operating room, with disheveled clothes and messy hair. He looked as embarrassed as he really was.

Not far from the operating room, a group of young nurses were watching him secretly. When they saw Ou Ruting, they grabbed her one after another: "Hey, Nurse Ou, Nurse Ou, that woman just now is really Director Han's wife." ah."

"I never heard that he was married before. We all thought you and him were a couple."

Han Jianfeng is handsome, has a good family background, and has high attainments. When he first came to the hospital, he caused a sensation in the hospital. He was the object of many young unmarried girls.

It's just that later Ou Ruting was transferred to the Department of Neurology. Under Ou Ruting's special "arrangement", everyone thought that Han Jianfeng and Ou Ruting were a couple.

That's why today he suddenly brought a pregnant woman in his arms, which caused such a big reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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