After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 423 Wang Xuan'er was born prematurely

Chapter 423 Wang Xuan'er was born prematurely

Ou Ruting was very upset and angry. She squeezed her palms, but she still suppressed her impatience, and then said with a smile, "Oh, it's nonsense."

As he spoke, he ignored the group of nurses and walked directly towards Han Jianfeng.

Su Zhaoxue realized the past, and there was no doctor nearby. Although she was very dissatisfied with Han Jianfeng, she still had to ask him: "How is Xuan'er, what did the doctor say?"

"Premature birth, the doctor is operating inside." Han Jianfeng glanced at her, his usually indifferent face was full of anxiety and worry at this moment.

So much so that when Su Zhaoxue looked at him like this, she thought that she had made a mistake.

"I knew why today." Su Zhaoxue couldn't help but sarcastically: "If you had been nicer to Xuan'er in the past, she wouldn't have become what she is now. Let me tell you Han Jianfeng, if anything happened to Xuan'er, I won't forgive you."

"A woman's childbirth is a hell of a time, Su Zhaoxue, please don't say such things that don't have common sense."

However, Ou Ruting came over suddenly, just in time to hear Su Zhaoxue's words, so she was naturally eager to defend Han Jianfeng.

Su Zhaoxue snorted coldly: "Heh, common sense? Ou Ruting, you deserve to tell me common sense? Is it common sense for doctors to give pregnant women saffron and give pregnant women abortion pills?"


Ou Ruting knew that it was not appropriate to argue with Su Zhaoxue in front of the operating room at this time, so she glared at Su Zhaoxue, looked at Han Jianfeng, and hesitated for a moment.

"Jianfeng, there's still surgery to come, you have to prepare, you can't help with the birth of the baby, but that patient can count on you, this surgery is only available to you in the whole hospital."

Ou Ruting said that on purpose, she just wanted to take Han Jianfeng away.

As long as Han Jianfeng is gone at this time, those little nurses will not think that Wang Xuan'er is Han Jianfeng's wife, and if Wang Xuan'er comes out, she will definitely be very sad because she can't see Han Jianfeng.

Is it premature?

Even if the child is born, don't even think about living a good life.

Su Zhaoxue couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately yelled at Han Jianfeng: "Han Jianfeng, if you leave here today, I tell you, you don't want to see Xuan'er and the child in the future."

Han Jianfeng looked at the lights in the operating room which were still on, and then glanced at the watch on his wrist.

He stood there without moving or speaking.

Ou Ruting was in a hurry: "Su Zhaoxue, don't be a shrew, okay? Wang Xuan'er gave birth, and Jian Feng couldn't help, and his operation wasn't scheduled for today. You don't let him go, do you want to see it?" What's wrong with that patient who can't have surgery?"

"Since it has been arranged long ago, it must not be an emergency. Can't you go there after Xuan'er comes out? You said that giving birth is a hell of a journey, and this child is not Xuan'er alone. He Why can't Han Jianfeng wait for a while?"

What Su Zhaoxue said was for Han Jianfeng. If Wang Xuan'er came out later, he would definitely want to see him the most. If he left now, Xuan'er might feel sad later.

"Go and make arrangements and postpone the operation for a while." At this time Han Jianfeng also spoke, as if he had heard Su Zhaoxue's words.

Su Zhaoxue breathed a sigh of relief!

Fortunately, this man has a conscience!

(End of this chapter)

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