After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 424 Wang Xuan'er was born prematurely

Chapter 424 Wang Xuan'er was born prematurely

"Jianfeng, this way the patient will feel emotional." Ou Ruting was not reconciled.

"So I asked you to arrange it. What do you do?" Han Jianfeng was very displeased, and frowned at Ou Ruting.

The strange look in her eyes made Ou Ruting tremble in her heart. Although she really didn't want Han Jianfeng to be here, she knew that if she continued to talk at this time, it would be impossible to guarantee that she wouldn't make him angry.

After a pause, this is the unwillingness to say: "Okay, I will arrange it now."

After Ou Ruting left, the surrounding area became much quieter, but the quieter it was, the more flustered Su Zhaoxue was.

Han Jianfeng leaned against the opposite wall and stood motionless for almost 10 minutes.

He really didn't move at all, just lowered his head like this and didn't know what he was thinking.

On the way, a nurse came out from inside, and before Su Zhaoxue could go up, Han Jianfeng had already strode over: "How is it, how is she?"

The nurse's face was serious, she didn't speak but shook her head at Han Jianfeng.

Han Jianfeng's footsteps suddenly seemed to be unsteady, and he staggered a step back, his face was full of anxiety and disbelief.

Su Zhaoxue didn't understand the silent language between them, but from Han Jianfeng's performance, she knew that Wang Xuan'er's situation must be very bad.

I wanted to go up and ask the nurse, but the little nurse was obviously in a hurry and ran away quickly.

Not long after, she brought two other doctors in white coats into the operating room.

Su Zhaoxue felt more and more that the situation was not good, so she could only ask Han Jianfeng.

"What do you mean by the communication just now? Is it because Xuan'er is not in good condition."

"En." Han Jianfeng responded, but stopped talking.

Su Zhaoxue is really anxious and angry, she is going to die of anxiety, so can't she say a few more words?
But when I looked up at Han Jianfeng, I found that he was standing aside, looking at the operating room, leaning against the wall and trembling all over!

Su Zhaoxue froze for a moment, is Han Jianfeng afraid?

After another half an hour, the lights in the operating room were always on, and many people came in and out, everyone with solemn expressions, coming and going in a hurry.

Su Zhaoxue just wanted to ask about Wang Xuan'er's situation, but she couldn't find anyone.

"Director Han, Director Han."

At this time, a little nurse suddenly ran from outside, and the little nurse was very anxious: "Director Han, the patient is making a fuss, I want you to go over quickly."

It was just the little nurse's voice, Han Jianfeng didn't seem to hear it at all, and he still stood there without moving.

"Director Han." The little nurse didn't know what happened, so she called again cautiously.

Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to say: "Look at your director, is it still possible to operate in this state?"

If you are restless, even if you go, there is no way to operate on the patient!
The little nurse's eyes sparkled, and she tried to recall what Ou Ruting had said to her just now: "But...But, even if the operation is impossible, I still need to comfort the patient. The patient is clamoring to see Director Han now."

But Han Jianfeng still didn't seem to hear it, standing there without moving!

The little nurse was about to cry, thinking that if Director Han was not called back, Nurse Ou would definitely embarrass her in the future. She is just a little nurse who is doing an internship. She finally came to a big hospital for an internship. She wanted to stay and work here. .

(End of this chapter)

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