After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 425 Wang Xuan'er was born prematurely

Chapter 425 Wang Xuan'er was born prematurely

"Director Han, please go back quickly."

The little nurse became more and more anxious, tears came out of her eyes!

At this time, another nurse ran over: "Director Han, Director Han, all the patients from your department have come to our department. They are making a scene at the door and want to see you. Go out and have a look, our department is full of people. Mothers and children, they can't stand the quarrel like this."

Su Zhaoxue:
How did the patient know that Han Jianfeng was in the obstetrics department?

"Director Han, Director Han, please go and have a look."

Only then did Han Jianfeng seem to have a slight reaction. He glanced back at the two little nurses, then at the operating room where the operation was still underway, and said to Su Zhaoxue, "I'll go first, and I'll be there soon." Come."

Su Zhaoxue didn't know whether to stop him, knowing that Song Yiran must have been instigating the patient's disturbance, but if Han Jianfeng didn't go out at this time, the matter would definitely not be resolved.

But what if Wang Xuan'er came out at this time?
She will be sad if she can't see Han Jianfeng!
Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to pray that Han Jianfeng would come back soon!
But Han Jianfeng went there for ten minutes and didn't come back. The operating light outside Wang Xuan'er's operating room suddenly went out.

The door of the operating room opened, and Wang Xuan'er was pushed out, but Wang Xuan'er was unconscious, and the child was sent to the incubator.

Su Zhaoxue was so anxious that she hurried forward and asked, "Doctor, how is she?"

The doctor seemed helpless: "Her condition is not very good, she is too weak, and she was bleeding heavily just now. We managed to pull her back from the death line, and the rest will be up to her."

"But I don't think her desire to survive is too strong. When she went in just now, she just told me to keep the child."

"Hey, mothers are like this, children must be the most important thing."

After going to the ward to settle Wang Xuan'er, Su Zhaoxue went to the incubator to take a look at the child.

It's really like what Wang Xuan'er said, it's a boy!
Probably because he is not full-term, the little guy is really small, his skin is wrinkled, and tubes are inserted all over his body.

The little guy was very quiet, very quiet, just like in Wang Xuan'er's stomach, lying there with his eyes closed.

Su Zhaoxue didn't dare to look any further, she wiped her tears and went back to the ward.

Han Jianfeng hadn't come yet, but when Su Zhaoxue went in, Wang Xuan'er woke up and stretched out his hand weakly, not knowing what he was looking for.

"Little brat, brat..."

Only when Su Zhaoxue got closer did she hear Wang Xuan'er talking about the brat!
Su Zhaoxue hurried forward to hold her hand, comforting: "It's okay, it's okay, the little boy is in the incubator, and I'll take you to see him when you're better."

Only then did Wang Xuan'er slowly open her eyes, and when she saw Su Zhaoxue, she smiled weakly at her: "Miss sister, where is my husband, have you seen him, I have something to say to him. "

"Han Jianfeng has something to do, he just left, just wait, he will be back soon."

"Miss sister, don't lie to me, my husband must find me annoying and doesn't want to see me." Unexpectedly, Wang Xuan'er suddenly smiled.

"No, Han Jianfeng has been waiting here for you for a long time just now. He really just left. If he waits and sees that you are awake and okay, he will be very happy."

(End of this chapter)

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