After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 426 Qin Zexi Is Missing

Chapter 426 Qin Zexi Is Missing
Su Zhaoxue's eyes were red, and she tried her best to make her voice sound normal, but she kept her head down and didn't dare to look at Wang Xuan'er, she was afraid that her emotions would affect Wang Xuan'er.

Wang Xuan'er fell asleep again in a daze, and Su Zhaoxue cautiously left the ward. She was just about to call Qin Zexi, but she saw Han Jianfeng and Ou Ruting without opening the door.

Han Jianfeng glanced at Su Zhaoxue, and then said solemnly: "I want to go in and see her."

Su Zhaoxue squeezed the doorknob tightly: "You can go in, but the follower behind you can't."

"Su Zhaoxue, what are you talking about?" Ou Ruting was not happy.

Su Zhaoxue snorted coldly: "Don't you know what I'm talking about? I didn't call you a dog to save face. It's only natural for Han Jianfeng to come to see his wife. What kind of thing are you?"


"Okay, you can go back, I have already explained to you the patient's affairs."

Han Jianfeng frowned impatiently.

"Jian Feng..."

What else did Ou Ruting want to say!
It's just that Han Jianfeng didn't pay attention to her at all, and had already entered the ward sideways.

Ou Ruting wanted to follow in, but was stopped by Su Zhaoxue.

Although Ou Ruting was extremely upset, in the end she could only give Su Zhaoxue a hard look, and left.

After Su Zhaoxue closed the door, she found a chair to rest beside the ward and sat down, then called Qin Zexi.

No one answered when I dialed the first time, still no one answered when I dialed the second time, and still no one answered when I dialed the third time.

Su Zhaoxue felt something was wrong at this time, so she called Zhong Lian, but still no one answered!

At this moment, Yu Guo's call came: "Sister Xue, have you seen Zhong Lian these days?"

Recently, because Yu Guo has been preparing for her marriage at the end of the year, she gave her a long vacation.

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment: "No, has there been no news from Zhong Lian?"

"Well, we quarreled a few words that day, and then he went out, and never came back after that."

Yu Guo's voice felt like he was about to cry!
"I thought he was angry with me, so I ignored him. Today I want to call him to convince him, but I don't know that his phone has been disconnected."

"Little Guoer, don't worry, come to the hospital to take care of Xuan'er for me first, and I will go to the company to check later, maybe they are too busy, so they didn't hear the phone call."

Although Su Zhaoxue was comforting Yu Guo, it was equivalent to comforting herself.

Qin Zexi didn't answer the phone, her heart was pounding, her throat was throbbing, and the hand holding the phone was shaking violently.

Su Zhaoxue, who hung up the phone, got up and walked outside, but after walking two steps, she remembered something, turned around and walked into the ward.

Before going in, I knocked on the door first, and then pushed the door open.

Wang Xuan'er had already woken up, and Han Jianfeng was sitting in front of the hospital bed, but there was a distance between him and the bed.

Su Zhaoxue didn't have time to talk to him at this time, but walked to the other side of the hospital bed, and said softly to Wang Xuan'er: "Xuan'er, I have something very important to do, let's leave for a while, I have already let Yu Guo Come here, I'll be right back, you have a good rest, you know."

"Well, the young lady I know." Wang Xuan'er seemed very tired, but she still smiled sweetly at Su Zhaoxue.

(End of this chapter)

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