After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 433 Who Does It Look Like?

Chapter 433 Who Does It Look Like?

Su Zhaoxue was afraid that she would not be strong enough to hold it steady, so she kept holding it behind the bowl.

Wang Xuan'er drank a small and half bowl of rice soup for a long time.

But just after drinking it, he vomited it all out again, until all the yellow bile came out.

Su Zhaoxue was going to be scared to death, afraid that something might happen to Wang Xuan'er: "How is it?

"I'm fine, miss." Wang Xuan'er quickly grabbed her, then smiled at her and shook her head: "It's useless to call a doctor."

Su Zhaoxue was still worried: "Then would you like some warm water?"

"No, little sister, please take it easy, I have something to tell you." Wang Xuan'er pulled Su Zhaoxue.

"Okay, you say."

"I want to go and see the cub."

Su Zhaoxue didn't expect that what she said was this, she was a little embarrassed: "But your body..."

It's so weak!

Wang Xuan'er pulled Su Zhaoxue, her eyes were full of pleading: "Miss sister, I beg you, I don't have much time, so I'll take a look at him, and then hold his little hand."

Because Wang Xuan'er had no strength, when she waited for her to say this in a hurry, she began to pant non-stop, as if she couldn't hold her breath.

"Okay, okay, okay, don't worry."

Su Zhaoxue was afraid that she would faint because of being too excited later, so she quickly agreed.

After answering, he asked Yu Guo to go out to find a nurse and ask for a wheelchair.

He and Yu Guo helped Wang Xuan'er from the bed to the wheelchair. Wang Xuan'er was so light and frightening that Yu Guo could hold her by himself.

Because the insulation room is a special place, ordinary people cannot enter it.

So after some negotiation, just like when Su Zhaoxue came over just now, a nurse working inside pushed the little boy to the big glass window of the incubator for Wang Xuan'er to have a look at.

But you can only see but not touch!

Yu Guo supported Wang Xuan'er to stand up from the wheelchair. She struggled to lie on the glass, looking at the little boy in the incubator with a smile on her lips.

The little boy's eyes are still closed, because he didn't take a bath, his whole body is still the same as when he first came out, his skin is still wrinkled, and there are still some bruises, his body is still full of tubes, his little fists are tightly clenched, look It's pitiful.

"Miss, do you think he looks like me or my husband?"

"No, no, so ugly should be like me, my husband is so handsome."

"But he's so ugly, what should my husband do if he really doesn't want him?"

"Don't worry, even if Han Jianfeng doesn't want him, I won't leave him alone."

Seeing Wang Xuan'er lying on the glass and talking to herself, Su Zhaoxue almost couldn't help crying.

Who knows that Wang Xuan'er shook her head: "Miss sister, I can't bring you a burden, so I must give it to my husband. This is his flesh and blood. Even if he doesn't like it, he can't throw him away." from."

But what if Han Jianfeng insisted on it!
Su Zhaoxue finally swallowed a sentence that came to her lips!
She really couldn't say such cruel words!
I had no choice but to comfort her: "Don't worry, the most important thing now is to take good care of your body. The little brat depends on you to grow up."

"Well, I know, miss." At this moment, Wang Xuan'er suddenly turned her head and smiled sweetly at Su Zhaoxue.

(End of this chapter)

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