After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 434 Wang Xuan'er kneels down

Chapter 434 Wang Xuan'er kneels down

Unexpectedly, the smile just came out, but suddenly it seemed to freeze, Wang Xuan'er's eyes seemed to have some anticipation and hatred.

It was only then that Han Jianfeng came over at some point, and behind him was Ou Ruting, a follower.

She was a veritable follower, she would follow Han Jianfeng wherever he went!
"Xiao Guoer, help Xuan'er to sit in the wheelchair, let's go."

Su Zhaoxue subconsciously stood in front of Wang Xuan'er.

She didn't want Wang Xuan'er and Ou Ruting to meet!
It was obvious that Han Jianfeng didn't listen to what she said just now.

Otherwise, why would Ou Ruting, a follower, follow him!
"Miss, wait a minute, I want to say a few words to my husband."

But Wang Xuan'er suddenly spoke.

"Xuan'er..." Su Zhaoxue was a little worried.

Wang Xuan'er shook her head at her: "It's okay, don't worry, Ou Ruting is right here, I'd better say some things together in front of them."

Wang Xuan'er's voice was very slow and low, and she looked at Su Zhaoxue with firm eyes, as if she had something in her heart that she must say.

"it is good."

Although Su Zhaoxue was reluctant, she still agreed to her!

After Han Jianfeng approached, Wang Xuan'er called him in a low voice.

Han Jianfeng glanced sideways at the child in the incubator, and then said: "Son, I won't want it, you better understand this."

No one expected that Han Jianfeng would appear here at night just to say something like this!

Wang Xuan'er's already pale face was even paler now!

Su Zhaoxue vomited blood even more angrily, wow, this man's heart is probably not made of a piece of ice, why can't he warm it up?
"Husband." Wang Xuan'er tried to pull a smile, and suddenly called Han Jianfeng again: "He is your child, why don't you want it? You see how cute he is, don't you?"

Wang Xuan'er tried her best to smile, to make herself not look so sad, and to make Han Jianfeng like that kid in the incubator.

But before she finished speaking, she couldn't control the redness of her eyes.

I don't know if it was suppressed too much, and I started to vomit again.

He didn't eat anything at first, so he naturally had nothing to vomit, so he vomited on his side for a long time, only vomited some water.

When he looked up at Han Jianfeng again, his face was already full of tears!
Wang Xuan'er stood up tremblingly from the wheelchair, Su Zhaoxue hurriedly wanted to support her, but she pushed her away calmly.

Step by step, she moved slowly and with difficulty, but finally stood up.

But suddenly there was a "plop", and he knelt down again.


Su Zhaoxue didn't understand, what was the purpose of her humiliating herself in such a low voice!

He called out to her in pain, and stretched out his hand to help her up, but after a pause, he finally let go.

Su Zhaoxue knew that Wang Xuan'er had something in her mind that she needed to understand, even though she felt heartbroken seeing Wang Xuan'er like this at this moment, she was not qualified to interfere.

Seeing Wang Xuan'er kneeling down, Han Jianfeng was obviously startled, a trace of pity and pain flashed quickly in his eyes, and finally turned his head away, and then his attitude was as cold as if he was facing a stranger who had nothing to do with him: "You don't need to threaten Me, useless."

(End of this chapter)

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