After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 435 Wang Xuan'er kneels down

Chapter 435 Wang Xuan'er kneels down

Wang Xuan'er looked up at Han Jianfeng, her eyes were full of pleading: "Honey, I didn't threaten you, I just hope you can take him in kindly for the sake of the fact that the brat is your child, you don't have to be nice to him, just Just need to support him to study, just raise him to adulthood, the little boy will be very good, he will not hinder you and Ou Ruting."

"You gave birth to the child, and you don't want to take care of it. Is there a reason for that? Wang Xuan'er, since you have given birth to him, may I trouble you to be a competent mother? What the child needs most now is a mother. Shall I teach you?"

Han Jianfeng's voice was always cold, and he was extremely impatient, heartless and cold-blooded. When he said such irresponsible words, he could still speak so plausibly!

"Xuan'er, get up, why do you ask him, he doesn't want us many people here, and he is afraid that he won't be able to support a child?"

Su Zhaoxue was really going to die of anger, I couldn't find anyone more cold-blooded than Han Jianfeng.

As Su Zhaoxue said, she was going to help Wang Xuan'er, but Han Jianfeng suddenly said: "What the child needs most now is the mother, let me tell you Wang Xuan'er, if you want to leave at this time, let the child suffer If anything happens, I won't let you go."

After Han Jianfeng's words fell silent, Su Zhaoxue gave him a strange look.

His words were obviously contradictory. In the previous words, it seemed that he didn't care much about the children, but in the words just now, he seemed to care about the children!
What does Han Jianfeng mean?
She doesn't want a child, but threatens Wang Xuan'er not to let the child have any accidents!
"Miss Ou, Miss Ou, I know that my position will be yours sooner or later, but can I beg you, please persuade him, persuade me old...persuade Han Jianfeng, let him take the brat with you Go back, I promise I will quit obediently, I promise I will sign the divorce agreement obediently, I promise I will disappear..."

Wang Xuan'er suddenly knelt on her knees, put her hands on the ground, crawled two steps forward, grabbed Ou Ruting's leg, and begged her.

Wang Xuan'er used to hate Ou Ruting the most. If the facts were not in front of her eyes, Su Zhaoxue would never have thought that she would do this.

The appearance of lying on the ground and pulling Ou Ruting's trouser legs really made people feel distressed, and Su Zhaoxue couldn't help but her eyes were red.

"Xuan'er, why bother, even if he doesn't want the child, we can raise it."

Su Zhaoxue squatted down slowly, trying to pull her up.

"Miss, no, no, if the little brat can't be taken back, he won't live long."

Wang Xuan'er shook her head desperately, her face was covered with tears, pain, eager but helpless expressions seemed to flash alternately on her face.

Su Zhaoxue didn't know why Wang Xuan'er was so persistent in wanting Han Jianfeng to take the child back to the Han family, but seeing Wang Xuan'er like this, the feeling that she was powerless was really uncomfortable.

Ou Ruting watched Wang Xuan'er lying on the ground, begging her like a "dog", she couldn't help but feel complacent, and was just about to speak sarcasticly.

But she didn't want to be pulled back by Han Jianfeng. Before Ou Ruting could react, she heard his voice that seemed to be suppressing her anger: "Wang Xuan'er, don't just say disappear."

(End of this chapter)

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