After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 443 This is my child

Chapter 443 This is my child
Su Zhaoxue's head "boomed", as if something had exploded, and looked at Yu Guo with great difficulty: "Dead?"

Yu Guo nodded: "That's right, the entertainment news reported so much at the time. But sister Xue, you have never paid attention to these things, and you probably didn't pay much attention to them."

The little fox said that she was here to repay her kindness, so she borrowed the real Wang Xuan'er's body.

And it seems that Su Zhaoxue met Wang Xuan'er at that time!
So now that the little fox is gone, it means that all the things that happened don't exist?

Han Jianfeng went back to Han's house with the child in his arms. It snowed all night, but in the morning the snow stopped and the sun came out.

The servant of the Han family was clearing the snow in the yard. When he saw Han Jianfeng, he was startled, but quickly said respectfully: "Master, you are back, I will report to the master."

"No need, I can go in by myself."

As he said that, Han Jianfeng had already strode into the house.

Han Jianfeng's father, Han Dong, was just about to go out. When he saw Han Jianfeng, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but when he saw the child in his hand, he was puzzled: "Where did the child come from?"

Han Dong knew that Wang Xuan'er existed before, but he obviously didn't remember what it was like at this meeting.

Han Jianfeng didn't seem to be surprised or strange, or he had already expected the current scene.

He said lightly, "This is my child."

Han Dong was furious: "Your child? Ridiculous!"

Han Jianfeng was expressionless, but his tone was cold when he spoke: "Why? I'm married, so it's normal to have children. Why is it ridiculous?"

"When did you get married? I asked you to go to Ou's house to propose a marriage before, but you didn't go, but now you have brought me a child and came back. Do you want to piss off your father and me?"

Han Dong was anxious and angry. Han Jianfeng had been refusing to compromise to marry Ou Ruting before. He thought that Han Jianfeng had brought a child back deliberately to resist.

"I didn't want to piss you off. This child is indeed mine. If you don't believe it, you can go for a paternity test. I won't go to the Ou family to propose a marriage. I don't like Ou Ruting. I have never liked it. Don't you For the benefit of the company, I just want me to marry a woman I don't like. I have a woman I like, and she is the mother of my child."

Han Dong's face turned red with anger: "You, you, you told you to give up your job in the hospital and you didn't agree to come back to take over the company. Now that the company has problems, you don't agree to marry Ruting to save the company, okay? Han Jianfeng, if it wasn't because your surname is Han, I really didn't know that you were my Han Dong's son, how could I have such a rebellious son like you."

Han Jianfeng was unmoved at all: "Dad, why do you have to marry Ou Ruting when the company has a problem? It was because I considered your feelings that I made so many mistakes. I don't want to make a single mistake." Go on wrong again."

If he hadn't worried about his family at the beginning, he wouldn't have let Wang Xuan'er suffer so much grievance!
Originally, he thought that he must make good compensation to her in the future, but how could he know that he had no chance at all!
Such a simple girl who loves to laugh, but he made her suffer so much!

Thinking about it now, I feel like my heart is in pain!
(End of this chapter)

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