After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 444 Find Qin Zexi

Chapter 444 Find Qin Zexi

It's just a pity that he understood this truth too late!
"Is it wrong for you to marry Ruting? Han Jianfeng, let me tell you, if you don't marry Ruting, our Han family will not recognize this child. Don't think that you can really do whatever you want if you just say a word and bring back a child." , if the matter is not resolved this time, I tell you that not only you, but even the Han family will follow, you should think about it yourself."

After Han Dong finished speaking, he went out with a livid face.

When waiting for Han Jianfeng's mother to come out, Han Dong had already got in the car and left.

She didn't hear the conversation between the two fathers and sons, so naturally she didn't know what happened.

Just looking at the child in Han Jianfeng's hands, he was still shocked.

Han Jianfeng really wasn't in the mood to explain anything, he just gave the child to his mother: "Mom, go and help me find a nanny who can take care of the child."

Su Zhaoxue went back to Yu Guo's house, but it was actually not Yu Guo's house, but the house Zhong Lian bought here before.

Not big, a standard structure of three bedrooms and two halls!
Su Zhaoxue didn't tell Yu Guo that she was going out to find Qin Zexi, she just said that she had something to do and wanted to go on a long trip with Xu Qinqi, and by the way told about her being kicked out by Gu Ping's mother and daughter.

Yu Guo seemed to think of something: "Sister Xue, the relationship between Xu Qinqi and Song Yiran seems to be very unusual. When I saw them meet before, the atmosphere between the two was very bad. At that time Song Yiran still treated me I recognized Xu Qinqi's girlfriend, and the way I looked at me was like a knife."

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment, and then she explained: "Song is still Xu Qinqi's ex-girlfriend."

Yu Guo nodded: "I guess something must have happened between them. Xu Qinqi still has a lot of hostility towards Song."


Only then did Su Zhaoxue carefully recall the scene of seeing Xu Qinqi and Xia Sien at Gu's that day.

Xu Qinqi didn't like Xia Sien, when he met Xia Sien before, he ignored her.

He didn't even seem to admit that Xia Si'en was pregnant before.

It was obvious that Xia Sien was pregnant with his child!
But why did Xu Qinqi's attitude turn 180 degrees?
In the afternoon, Xu Qinqi came to pick up Su Zhaoxue, and the two went to Country M together.

Country M is an archipelagic country on the sea, with many islands, and it is also a country that focuses on tourism.

After sitting on the plane for more than five hours, there was a heat wave when I got off the plane.

Su Zhaoxue almost couldn't adapt to the sudden arrival of the cold and windy capital city to the warm country M.

After getting off the plane, I turned to a small town near the sea, and it was already dark at this time.

It is said to be a small town, but it is actually very prosperous, with hotels, shops everywhere, and a night market full of people.

There are also many people who come here to travel, and there are people from all countries.

Xu Qinqi had already booked a hotel in advance, and after the two settled down, they went down to have dinner together.

Su Zhaoxue didn't want to go out, so she ate buffet in the hotel.

"Is this where Qin Zexi's accident happened?"

Su Zhaoxue had something on her mind, so she couldn't eat much, so she took a few random dishes, sat down and couldn't wait to ask Xu Qinqi.

"Well, yes, they landed on the island from here."

But Xu Qinqi seemed to be in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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