After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 446 Find Qin Zexi

Chapter 446 Find Qin Zexi

Pulling her: "You may be wrong. If Qin Zexi really had nothing wrong, why didn't he contact you?"

Su Zhaoxue shook her head in disbelief: "I saw it, I really saw it just now, that person must be him, it must be him."

"No, I'm going to find him, I'm going to find him, he must still be here."

As soon as Su Zhaoxue said that, she wanted to get rid of Xu Qinqi and continue to look for her.

Just not thinking, Xu Qinqi suddenly pulled her hard, and then her whole body fell into his arms.

"What are you doing, let me go, let me go, I'm going to find Qin Zexi."

Su Zhaoxue felt anxious and wronged in her heart, kicked Xu Qinqi's legs several times, trying to make him let her go.

But Xu Qinqi didn't intend to let her go at all, but just hugged her and whispered softly: "Okay, okay, don't make trouble, you should go back to rest now, let's go back to the hotel."

"No, I'm going to find Qin Zexi."

Su Zhaoxue wanted to push Xu Qinqi away, but she didn't have enough strength.

"You read it wrong. There is no Qin Zexi here at all. If you continue to make trouble like this, I will have to carry you back."

After Xu Qinqi finished speaking, he really bent down, ready to hug Su Zhaoxue.

"I'll go by myself." Su Zhaoxue took the opportunity to push Xu Qinqi away.

Xu Qinqi gave her a very deep look, and immediately smiled again: "That's good, let's go."

Su Zhaoxue still looked around the night market unwillingly, but that familiar figure never appeared.

I couldn't stop feeling lost and sad in my heart, but I still had to go back.

Along the way, Su Zhaoxue didn't speak, she wasn't in the mood, and she was really tired and flustered.

She entered the room without saying a word, and even Xu Qinqi greeted her, but she didn't answer her.

With a bang, the door closed, but Xu Qinqi's face that was still smiling disappeared in an instant.

He took out the phone and quickly dialed a number: "Help me check it out. I seem to have seen him in the night market next to the Kenlington Hotel tonight. Go check if it's really him."

Su Zhaoxue didn't sleep well that night, and after returning to her room, she made countless calls to Qin Zexi's number.

She hoped in her heart that he would pick it up suddenly, still talking to her in a gentle voice, and tell her that all this was just a dream.

But no!

Qin Zexi's phone was not answered by him, but a mechanized male voice kept reminding her that the phone had been turned off, and Qin Zexi had really disappeared.

I got up early the next day, and the sky here seemed to be brighter earlier. I opened the window and opened the curtains. The sun had already climbed up, the sea breeze was blowing, and there was an endless sea in the distance.

There are already crowds of people in twos and threes on the beach, and most of them should have gotten up early to watch the sunrise.

A beautiful picture, but you can't enjoy it with a good mood!
How nice it would be if Qin Zexi was here!
In this way, they can hold hands and walk together on the beach, play together, or watch the sunrise quietly together.

Tears filled my eyes without warning!
Su Zhaoxue took a deep breath, raised her head slightly and forced herself to force back the tears.

She couldn't cry at this time, Qin Zexi was still waiting for her, still waiting for her to find him!

So she must be strong!

(End of this chapter)

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