After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 447 Find Qin Zexi

Chapter 447 Find Qin Zexi

Xu Qinqi came to knock on the door, and the two went to eat breakfast together, and then set off to find the speedboat master!

The town during the day is not as lively as at night, except for a few tourists, there are basically no people on the road!

Xu Qinqi got a car from somewhere, and after driving for about ten minutes, the car stopped at the gate of a small courtyard.

It is said that the small yard is really small, it looks like it is only three square meters, and the inside is a small two-story building, which looks very small.

But looking in from the outside, there are a lot of flowers and plants planted inside!
Su Zhaoxue took a general look at the other courtyards, and found that they all seemed to be similar. Maybe this is the architectural style here.

Xu Qinqi went to ring the doorbell, and after a while, a little girl ran over and opened the door.

The speedboat master is a middle-aged man who looks about 40 years old, not tall, thin and dark.

Originally, they were quite enthusiastic when they went in, but when they heard that they came to ask about Qin Zexi, they immediately changed their faces and wanted to throw them out.

No matter what they say, they just don't want to tell them.

Su Zhaoxue was anxious, angry and helpless: "We just want to ask what happened at that time. Why didn't you want to say it, or did you say that you couldn't say it because you took advantage of others?"

When the speedboat master heard Su Zhaoxue's words, he seemed to be even angrier: "Little girl, you can't talk nonsense. I almost lost my life at that time, and I even lost my job. This matter affected me too much." I don't want to say it, can't I?"

"Hmph, I think you are guilty." Su Zhaoxue was annoyed.

"You lost your job, but do you know that you also lost two lives, let me tell you, if you don't make it clear to us today, this matter will never end."

"I'm the wife of one of them. I don't believe it. You killed them all. Is it as simple as losing your job?"

"You are also a person with a daughter. If you let my child have no father, I will not let you have a good time."

Not really wanting to do anything to the speedboat master!
Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to use threats!

This matter is definitely not that simple!

She just wanted to force the speedboat master to tell the truth about the situation at that time.

The speedboat master seemed to be really shocked by Su Zhaoxue. He glanced at the little girl next to him, sighed, and then said, "Little girl, I can't help it. After the accident, half of my life is on the line." It's inside, people like us, want money but don't have money, want power but don't have power, and can only follow other people's orders to do things, don't embarrass me, even if it's uncle begging you."

Su Zhaoxue narrowed her eyes: "Have you been threatened?"

The speedboat master seemed to hesitate for a while, but finally he didn't speak. He just looked at Su Zhaoxue with a lot of helplessness!
"Tell the truth, and I'll give you a sum of money to leave here. This money is enough for you and your daughter to live for the rest of your life." Xu Qinqi suddenly spoke at this moment.

Su Zhaoxue also gave him a strange look, money?

Could it be that Gu Ping didn't give this speedboat master any money when he was looking for work?
A gleam of surprise quickly flashed in the eyes of the speedboat master: "Really, how much are you willing to give me?"

Xu Qinqi didn't hesitate at all: "1000 million."

(End of this chapter)

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