After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 448 Find Qin Zexi

Chapter 448 Find Qin Zexi

"Really?" The speedboat master was very excited, the light in his eyes flickered.

Xu Qinqi nodded: "But I want to listen to the truth."

"Then you have to add a little more." The speedboat master suddenly changed his words, and the eyes that looked at Xu Qinqi suddenly became greedy.

Xu Qinqi didn't seem to feel strange or angry at all, but chuckled lightly: "How much do you want to add?"

"At least double it."

Seeing Xu Qinqi's cheerful look, the speedboat master stretched out a finger.

"The lion opened his mouth." Xu Qinqi chuckled.

"A woman came to me before, and she drove 1000 million yuan." The speedboat master seemed to deliberately throw a bait to Xu Qinqi.

Xu Qinqi smiled: "But you didn't agree."

"Yes, I asked for 2000 million, but that woman was too stingy and didn't give it to me."

"So your speedboat capsized and you didn't mean to?"


The speedboat master was just about to speak when he suddenly realized something and stared at Xu Qinqi: "Are you talking to me?"

"You said it yourself, what's none of my business?" Xu Qinqi still had a smile on his face, but he looked at the speedboat master with a rather unfriendly look.

The speedboat master felt guilty for a while when he saw him, he hesitated for a moment, and then waved his hand: "Okay, okay, if you said 1000 million, then 1000 million, let me tell you, there was a woman who came that day, She told me that I deliberately let the speedboat have some problems, and then turned into the sea, but do you know, she meant to let me kill people, let me cover the people on the speedboat in the sea, and not allow him to come out, Until he loses his breath and dies."

"Think about it, 1000 million let me kill a person, what can I do, of course I can't do it, so I asked that woman to give me 2000 million."

"KAO, that girl looks very rich, she wears gold and silver, and her tone of voice is like a two hundred and five. I thought she would agree, but I didn't expect that girl to change her face and quit. gone."

"I thought this matter would be over like this. How did I know that the woman would tamper with my speedboat by herself. The speedboat did capsize at that time. I quickly called the rescue team over, and I don't know why. Yes, the rescue team came very slowly that day. When they arrived, the two people were gone. I guess the two people must have no hope. They sank into the sea, only to be eaten by fish the result of."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Didn't you go to search and rescue if you didn't see anyone?"

Hearing what the speedboat master said, Su Zhaoxue only felt a burst of anger burning in her heart.

"Little girl, you can't say that. The rescue team is not up to me. They don't want to search and rescue. What can I do?"

"Is this the woman who was looking for you?"

Su Zhaoxue took out her phone and turned over Gu Ping's photo.

The speedboat master glanced at the photo on the phone, and nodded quickly: "That's right, that's the woman, that's the woman."

Obviously, it was Gu Ping who wanted to harm Qin Zexi!

"I've finished what I want to say, that's all, I know you are all rich and powerful bigwigs, I can't afford to provoke me, can't I still hide, I am also a victim of this matter, can I have What way, you give me the money, and I will leave here immediately after giving it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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