After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 449 Find Qin Zexi

Chapter 449 Find Qin Zexi

"I'm not satisfied with what you said, so I can't give you the 1000 million." Unexpectedly, Xu Qinqi regretted it slowly.

"You let me go?" The speedboat master was obviously very angry, and the volume of his speech increased several times unconsciously.

Xu Qinqi looked indifferent: "I'm negotiating conditions with you. The condition is that both parties are satisfied. I will give you money and you tell the facts I want to hear, but what you are saying now has no effect on me at all. You Is it true that 1000 million is as simple as 1000 yuan, which can be easily obtained by going to the street?"

"This is the truth I know. Didn't you come here just to hear this? Now that I've said it, you're actually dissatisfied. It's obvious that you're here to correct me. You go, hurry up, I'm just a low-level citizen, and I will accompany you These big guys can’t afford it, so let’s go, let’s go quickly.”

The speedboat master said angrily, and drove them out.

Xu Qinqi was not angry at all, and went out with a smile.

Su Zhaoxue looked at him a little strangely, as if he was deliberately trying to annoy the speedboat master.

The "bang" door was quickly closed, Su Zhaoxue looked back at the house number and road outside the yard, and remembered it in her heart.

"Let's go, little fairy has gone back, it seems that this master can't know Qin Zexi's whereabouts anymore."

When Xu Qinqi spoke, his tone and attitude seemed to have been expected.

Su Zhaoxue put her doubts in her heart, didn't say anything, but said: "Then what should I do? Is it over before it even started?"

"Why don't we go to Gu Ping to confront her? Now that there is a witness of Speedboat Master, I'm not afraid that she won't admit it."

Xu Qinqi suddenly looked back at Su Zhaoxue, his tone seemed to be joking, but it was more like a test.

Su Zhaoxue curled her lips: "You offended the speedboat master just now, can he talk to you?"

"Then shall we knock on the door and go in now? Continue to negotiate terms with him?"

Su Zhaoxue said deliberately: "Forget it, I don't think it's very reliable. This speedboat master loves money at first glance. What if Gu Ping pays a higher price than you? Isn't it worth the loss?"

"Then go back first, and wait until you think of a way."

Xu Qinqi seemed to be very satisfied with Su Zhaoxue's reaction, as if deliberately leading her into an endless loop.

Su Zhaoxue nodded silently: "Well, let's go back first."

After returning to the hotel, Su Zhaoxue went back to the room with the excuse that she was tired.

Before entering, Su Zhaoxue said deliberately: "Pregnant women are more prone to sleepiness. I'm going to rest. Don't call me on the way. When you think of a better way, come and call me."

Su Zhaoxue said that on purpose, she just wanted Xu Qinqi not to disturb her.

After entering the room and waiting in the room for a while, Su Zhaoxue put on a mask and hat and went out again.

After stopping a car, I went straight to the courtyard of the speedboat master just now.

It was the speedboat master who opened the door. When he saw her, he didn't even have time to say anything, so he wanted to close the door.

Su Zhaoxue pushed against the door forcefully, and then said quickly: "I'll give you 2000 million, you do me a favor."

After returning to the hotel from the speedboat master, Su Zhaoxue called Gu Ping again: "What about 8000 million? When will you give it to me?"

"Child, are you willing?" Gu Ping's voice on the opposite side was faint, and there was a hint of a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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