After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 451 Induction of labor

Chapter 451 Induction of labor
Su Zhaoxue's footsteps stopped suddenly, and she smiled self-deprecatingly. It seemed that she really missed Qin Zexi too much, and she looked like everyone now.

Just at this time, a taxi came, and after putting away the luggage, Su Zhaoxue got into the car and turned to take another look at the man.

When the car was driving forward, she accidentally saw that man who seemed to be looking sideways at her direction. Although she was wearing sunglasses, she was very clear about the feeling of being watched strongly.

Su Zhaoxue was shocked again, feeling more and more that that person was Qin Zexi.

The car kept driving forward, and it seemed that it was about to lose sight. Su Zhaoxue was in a hurry, and quickly rolled down the window, only to find that the moment she poked her head out to look out, the man turned his gaze back again. As if afraid of being discovered by him.

The woman probably noticed something, she turned dizzy and glanced at her, when she turned her head, Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment!
that woman
Why does it feel a bit like her?
At the airport, when he changed his boarding pass and was about to board the plane, Xu Qinqi called.

Xu Qinqi didn't know that she had left: "Little fairy, it's time for the nurse to have lunch? Pregnant women should pay attention to their diet, you shouldn't starve the baby in your stomach."

"I have something to do. I'll go back first. I'll come when you find a new way."


Xu Qinqi seemed surprised!
"Stop talking, I'm about to board the plane."

Su Zhaoxue was still thinking about the man she met at the entrance of the hotel just now, and there was always a strong feeling reminding her that that man was Qin Zexi.

It's just that she had already got into the taxi at that time, and she had to rush over to board the plane, otherwise she should have gone up to have a look.

Xu Qinqi, who was hung up on the phone here, was not angry at all, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if talking to himself: "Little fairy, if you marry me, you will naturally have a child with us. I don’t have the kindness to raise children for other men.”

At this time the doorbell rang suddenly, Xu Qinqi went to open the door, and the speedboat master in the small yard just now stood impressively at the door.

The speedboat master bowed his waist, and looked respectful to Xu Qinqi: "I have already done everything you asked for, so the money is right?"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Qinqi had already handed over a card: "This card contains 2000 million. By the way, I gave you an extra 100 million for your good performance. Take this money and leave here. The farther you go The better."

The speedboat master took the card with bright eyes, and wiped it in his hand like a treasure: "2000 million, enough for our family to live for several lifetimes, I will definitely not come back."

He just said and seemed to think of something: "It's just that the little girl came to me just now and said that she would give me 2000 million to testify against someone. I think she seemed very determined and cared about this matter at the time." , if I disappear now, I'm afraid that if she really finds the master who drove the speedboat, then things will be troublesome."

Unexpectedly, Xu Qinqi smiled: "This is not something you should worry about, you just need to take the money and leave here."

As for the others.
It doesn't matter whether the real speedboat master can be found, what matters is whether Su Zhaoxue's child can be lured out!
(End of this chapter)

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