After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 452 The Child Is Xu Qinqi's

Chapter 452 The Child Is Xu Qinqi's
When Su Zhaoxue returned to the capital, it was already late at night!

Thinking that the appointment with Gu Ping was tomorrow, Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to call Han Jianfeng.

I didn't expect that in the middle of the night, I would answer in seconds: "Hello."

Su Zhaoxue was stunned for a moment!
"Is something wrong?"

It wasn't until Han Jianfeng's voice sounded for the second time that she seemed to react: "Are you and Qin Zexi good friends? If so, can you please do me a favor?"

The next day, when they made an appointment to meet at the hospital, Gu Ping and Song still came as scheduled.

Song Yiran rolled his eyes as soon as he saw her: "Some people are really hypocritical, those who liked Qin Zexi before would die or live, and this person will have his child aborted as soon as he is gone, tsk tsk tsk, if Qin Zexi knows, I'm afraid I will run up from the ground to find you at night."

Su Zhaoxue raised her eyebrows: "That's fine. Since you think I'm hypocritical, then I'll continue to be hypocritical. I won't have a miscarriage. When the child is born, I will divide the family property. At worst, I won't marry Xu Qinqi Anyway, the money from the family property is enough for me and my children to live for the rest of our lives."

"You're going to marry Xu Qinqi? Why don't I know?"

Song Yiran felt as if he heard a thunderbolt from the blue sky, his pupils dilated instantly, staring at Su Zhaoxue as if he wanted to eat people.

Su Zhaoxue chuckled: "We didn't announce it. You're an outsider, of course you don't know, but you don't know if your mother knows."

Song Yiran turned his head and looked at Gu Ping in disbelief: "Mom, you know?"

Gu Ping's complexion was not very good, and she dodged her eyes twice: "I'm so busy all day long, how can I know this?"

A coldness flashed across Su Zhaoxue's eyes, but she still smiled as if she didn't care: "It's not too late to know now."

"Xu Qinqi will marry you? Isn't he with Xia Sien? The child in Xia Sien's womb is his." Song Yiran still didn't seem to believe it, and was a little angry.

It's a good thing to be angry, that's what Su Zhaoxue wants.

Continue to pretend not to care: "Didn't you all say that the child in Xia Sien's belly belongs to Qin Zexi? Why did it become Xu Qinqi's again?"

"Hmph, Su Zhaoxue said you are stupid, you are really stupid. Since Qin Zexi is dead now, I don't want to tell you the truth. The child in Xia Sien's stomach is not Qin Zexi's at all, and the paternity test that Xia Sien put on the Internet is also fake. , or I made it for her."

"Before Qin Zexi just blindly wanted to find flaws in Xu Qinqi, of course he couldn't find anything, hahaha."

Su Zhaoxue narrowed her eyes: "Does Xu Qinqi know? Or did he never know?"

"Xu Qinqi? Hmph, he knows, but he's just pretending to be stupid."

"Then before Xia Si'en went to my room and deliberately framed me, was it also you who instigated it?"

Song still said it simply, but Su Zhaoxue roughly understood what she meant.

Just like what Xia Sien said when he went to her room before, Xia Sien said that Xu Qinqi didn't recognize this child at all.

In other words, Xu Qinqi actually knew that the child belonged to him, but he also knew that Song Yiran was behind Xia Sien, so the child would definitely not be born.

So he didn't admit it, and even added fuel to the flames, making Xia Si'en want to not have children.

(End of this chapter)

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