After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 458 Another News

Chapter 458 Another News

Xu Qinqi looked at the man's back and frowned calmly. When he turned his head to look at Su Zhaoxue, he found that she was staring at the door in a daze.

Xu Qinqi raised the corners of his mouth amusedly, and waved his hands in front of her eyes: "Little fairy, what are you doing, I'm still standing here, just looking at other men without blinking? I will Jealous."

Su Zhaoxue regained consciousness, felt a little uncomfortable, turned around and walked towards the house, not forgetting to get angry with Xu Qinqi: "Yes, yes, you should be jealous, you might as well leave."

Su Zhaoxue went back to her room directly after entering the room, quickly untied the restraint belt as soon as she entered the room, and then locked the door behind her.

Lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, Su Zhaoxue thought about the man's appearance, and hesitated in her heart whether to take a chance to see what the man looked like.

In this way, I can also break my fantasy that I have always guessed that the man is Qin Zexi.

But how to see it?
Probably because Su Zhaoxue was too tired from moving and packing, Su Zhaoxue fell asleep unknowingly while lying on the bed.

When waiting to wake up again, it was Xu Qinqi knocking on the door outside!
While knocking, he said: "Little Fairy, if you don't open the door, I'm going to kick the door and rush in."

Su Zhaoxue's brain exploded, she touched her stomach, and quickly roared: "You dare."

This is Xu Qinqi's good-tempered smile: "Okay, little fairy, I'm teasing you, if I don't say that, can you talk to me? Come out and have dinner, it's getting dark."

Su Zhaoxue responded sullenly: "Understood."

He just got up, and then tied the corset around his stomach.

After tying it up, the feeling of not being able to breathe came up again. Su Zhaoxue was so distressed, she stroked her belly and said softly: "Baby, let's hold on for a while, mom knows that babies are the strongest, mom If you don't do this, the baby will really leave the mother. Mom has no father now, and can't live without you. The baby must believe in the mother, everything will be fine, and must also believe in the father, he will definitely come back Find us."

After going out to the first floor, Xu Qinqi actually left the two housekeepers he was looking for at home.

Su Zhaoxue herself also needs someone to take care of her. Although she was a little displeased with Xu Qinqi's arbitrary behavior, she didn't say anything in the end.

After eating, seeing that Xu Qinqi didn't seem to be leaving yet, Su Zhaoxue said, "Is this my home or yours? Are you still planning to leave?"

But Xu Qinqi actually used a look that seemed surprised and aggrieved: "Little fairy, you are going to marry me soon, isn't your home my home? We are going to be husband and wife soon, let me leave, your conscience Won't it hurt?"

The corner of Su Zhaoxue's mouth twitched: "Don't say it so early, you said to help me find Qin Zexi, but now I have no clue, and you still want me to marry you?"

"Who said I don't have a clue?"

After Su Zhaoxue finished speaking, she was planning to go out, but when she heard Xu Qinqi's words, she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"You found him?"

"No, but I have another news to tell you." However, Xu Qinqi suddenly walked over with a smile: "Let's go, I'll walk with you, we will talk while walking."

The two went out of the house, Xu Qinqi walked beside her, as if walking very close to her on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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