After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 459 The muscles of the whole body are tense

Chapter 459 The muscles of the whole body are tense

Su Zhaoxue kept moving aside, but she didn't notice that her foot suddenly missed a stone next to her.

"Be careful." Xu Qinqi grabbed her quickly with his hands and feet, and then brought her into his arms.

Su Zhaoxue subconsciously went to hold her stomach, and she was so frightened that she forgot to push Xu Qinqi away for a while.

While waiting to react, from the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught sight of the balcony on the second floor opposite.

On the balcony, there is a person standing!

The sky was dark, and although only one figure could be seen, Su Zhaoxue recognized it at a glance, was it that man?

Su Zhaoxue exploded almost instantly, and then pushed Xu Qinqi away.

Pushed by her, Xu Qinqi staggered and almost fell, he laughed a little: "Little Fairy, you are quite strong, am I that scary?"

It's just that after he finished speaking, he seemed to have seen the figure on the opposite balcony, and his eyes, which were still smiling, were filled with a layer of coolness.

Obviously, Su Zhaoxue pushed her away when she saw this man!

Would a strange man have such a big influence on Su Zhaoxue?

The corners of her mouth were raised, and she smiled calmly: "Little Fairy, it doesn't matter if you want to, do you want to go out for a walk?"

Su Zhaoxue collected her thoughts, not to let Xu Qinqi discover her thoughts, this is the way she pretended to be indifferent: "Let's go."

It's just that I deliberately distanced myself from Xu Qinqi: "Stay away from me, I don't like people getting too close to me."

"I'm not someone else." Xu Qinqi said with a playful smile, "And if I'm by your side, you'll be safer."

When Xu Qinqi was talking, he leaned towards Su Zhaoxue. Although they were not next to each other, they were still very close.

Su Zhaoxue was inexplicably afraid of being misunderstood by the man opposite her about her relationship with Xu Qinqi, so she was anxious and displeased.

"I'm safe. If you stay away from me, I'll be safer."

As he said that, he quickened his pace, and when he walked, he looked up at the opposite side.

But the black shadow on the balcony suddenly disappeared!
Su Zhaoxue froze for a moment, feeling a little lost in her heart, but soon felt a little nervous again.

"Oh, what are you doing? Don't you like going out? It's getting dark now, why go out?"

Only soon, the sound of cherry blossoms suddenly sounded from the opposite yard. Although the voice was meant to complain, it was as coquettish as it was coquettish.

Is the man on the other side coming out?
Su Zhaoxue subconsciously stopped, and then looked at the opposite courtyard gate.

Soon there was a sound of opening the door, and suddenly two figures appeared at the opposite courtyard gate.

The man is still wearing sunglasses and a mask, but he is not wearing a hat!
Why do you still dress like this when you go out at night?
Sakura walked behind the man, and when she saw Su Zhaoxue and the others, she seemed to be surprised for a moment, and soon she looked at the man next to her thoughtfully, and suddenly stepped forward to grab the man's arm. arm.

The man looked down at her strangely, but there was a warning in his eyes, wanting Sakura to let him go.

It's just that Sakura didn't seem to understand at all, and greeted Su Zhaoxue with a self-centered smile: "Hey, Zhaoxue, what a coincidence, I'm taking a walk with your husband."

As soon as the words fell, Sakura obviously felt that the muscles of the man beside her were tense.

(End of this chapter)

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