After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 460 The Angry Little Couple

Chapter 460 The Angry Little Couple

It's like a state where people are angry, but they must bear it in their hearts.

Sakura pretended not to notice, but her arms around the man became tighter.

Su Zhaoxue didn't expect to meet them. When she saw the man, she felt happy for a while, but soon felt very disappointed again.

The husband and wife are loving each other!
There was a look of disappointment in his eyes, but he quickly smiled and responded, "Are you going for a walk?"

"Well, I wanted to go out for a walk, but my husband was worried about me, so he came out with me." Sakura was still smiling, and when she talked about the man next to her, she was so sweet.

Su Zhaoxue felt as if her heart was being pounded heavily by something, and it was difficult to breathe.

But still had to force a smile: "You two have such a good relationship."

As he spoke, he glanced at the man!

Sakura naturally noticed Su Zhaoxue's eyes, and leaned on the man intentionally: "My husband just has a weird temper and doesn't like to talk, but he is very good to me."

"Is your temper weird? I didn't notice it. It's just that your husband's outfit will make everyone feel weird when he goes out."

At this time, Xu Qinqi smiled and spoke, but he was smiling, which seemed to be a joke, but if you listen carefully, you will feel that his tone is not very friendly.

Su Zhaoxue was a little displeased in her heart, but when she opened her mouth and subconsciously wanted to turn back, she bit her lip again.

In fact, she was also curious about the man's appearance under the sunglasses mask.

"My husband is not very good-looking and has scars on his face, so he likes to wear sunglasses and a mask when he goes out."

The man still didn't speak, just stood there, if it wasn't for Sakura holding his arm and talking there, he would really look like a statue.

Not good-looking, with scars on his face?

In this way, he will be even less like Qin Zexi!

Su Zhaoxue felt a little disappointed, but there was always a trace of unwillingness, but why did this man feel so like Qin Zexi to her?
Then a group of four people walked forward!
In the small town at night, the sea breeze was very comfortable, but Su Zhaoxue was always absent-minded, and she was wearing a corset, her stomach was very uncomfortable, and she couldn't walk for a while.

The most important thing is that Sakura held the man's arm in front of her eyes all the way, giving her an inexplicable illusion that Qin Zexi was with other women, her heart felt like a needle prick, but she couldn't show it in the slightest.

Finally unable to bear it any longer, Su Zhaoxue paused: "I'm tired, so I'll go back first."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked towards the road behind her. Her footsteps were fast, deliberately not giving others a chance to speak.

"Little fairy?"

Xu Qinqi naturally sensed that Su Zhaoxue's mood was not right, so he chased after her.

Sakura looked at the backs of the two, and looked up at the man deliberately: "Their couple is really strange, they don't look like a couple at all."

The man withdrew his arm from Sakura's with a blank expression, and turned around without saying a word.

On the street of the small town under the shady scene, not far in front, is the figure of Su Zhaoxue hurriedly walking forward, Xu Qinqi is beside her, seems to want to pull her, but Su Zhaoxue throws them away.

But the actions of the two, in the eyes of others, looked like a pair of young couple who were at odds.

(End of this chapter)

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