After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 461 The Savior

Chapter 461 The Savior
Hehe, awkward little couple!

The man looked at the figures of the two, and the eyes under the sunglasses were instantly ignited, and the deep eyes seemed to be burning with anger.

The hands in the trouser pockets are even more bruised!
Sakura followed the man, and the woman's intuition was quite accurate. Just now, she deliberately acted very affectionate in front of Su Zhaoxue, just to test the reaction of Su Zhaoxue and the man.

It seems that the reactions of both of them are very interesting!

One seemed to have suffered a great grievance and left, but the other seemed to be holding back a huge anger!

Sakura knew that the man was angry, so she didn't go up to persuade him or talk to him, until the two of them went back to the yard, closed the door and entered the house, then she said unintentionally: "Do you know that woman?"

The man walked upstairs, and responded after a few seconds: "I don't know."

The voice was flat, without any emotion, as if the two were really strangers.

"I don't think so. You and her already know each other, and I think she recognizes you, but she doesn't dare to admit it. What's your relationship? Is she your wife? Girlfriend?"

The man stopped in his tracks, turned his head suddenly, took off his sunglasses, and a pair of beautiful long eyes suddenly appeared in front of Sakura. When Sakura rescued him at the seaside, it was his eyes that caught him. Fascinated, although the man's face was scratched many times and his entire face was completely changed, he still couldn't hide his good-looking facial features and his once handsome face.

"The more you know about some things, the less good it is for you, and you and I are just pretending to be husband and wife, I gave you money, you help me with things, it's that simple. And I won't stay here for long, please Don't have too much hope for me, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. In the future, I advise you to do less of showing love and probing things like today. "

The man's eyes were very cold, as cold as an ice blade, directly piercing Sakura's body.

The tone of the speech was even colder, so cold that she couldn't accept it at all.

"But I saved you and your friend, didn't I? If it weren't for me, you and he would have died in the sea long ago, can you still stand here like this? You treat your savior like this of?"

Sakura was full of anger, although she knew that a man could not be a simple person, nor would she be able to keep it.

But sometimes, when it comes to love at first sight, who knows who is right? If you like a person, you only wish that he will stay by your side forever.

She knew that what she said now would only annoy men, but besides the identity of a lifesaver, she really didn't know what else she could show in front of men, let alone what identity she could use to keep her. by his side.

This time the man didn't speak, but beyond Sakura's expectation, the man didn't get angry, but turned around and went upstairs.

Sakura suddenly panicked, even if the man is angry now, it is better to make her feel more at ease than to say nothing, so she hurriedly ran up, but what greeted her was a closed door.

Sakura raised her hand to knock on the door, but finally gave up!

When Su Zhaoxue returned home, she planned to go upstairs, but was held back by Xu Qinqi. Su Zhaoxue wanted to get rid of him impatiently: "What are you doing, you're just chattering all the way back, I'm very close to you. familiar?"

(End of this chapter)

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