After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 462 Zhong Lian Appears!

Chapter 462 Zhong Lian Appears!
"Su Zhaoxue." Unexpectedly, Xu Qinqi called her very seriously: "There must be a reason for you to be angry, why did I provoke you and make you ignore me all the way back? Or You've taken a fancy to the man from the opposite house, so you're jealous when you see him showing affection?"

"Crazy you." Su Zhaoxue was caught by Xu Qinqi's sudden words, a little embarrassment turned into anger, and she turned her head and glared at him.

"Guilty?" Xu Qinqi raised his eyebrows, and there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing him like this, Su Zhaoxue understood something, cleared up her facial expression, and said coldly soon: "Don't deliberately try to trick me, I won't take this kind of trick, you have It’s better to think about how to find Qin Zexi.”

After finishing speaking, he slammed Xu Qinqi's hand away.

As soon as he stepped on a step, he heard his voice: "Zhong Lian has gone back to help Gu Ping."

Zhong Lian?

When Su Zhaoxue heard this name, she felt her heart skip a beat suddenly. She turned her head and looked at Xu Qinqi in disbelief: "Zhong Lian has gone back? Then where is Qin Zexi, who is Qin Zexi?"

"I don't know, I only know that Zhong Lian has gone back and is helping Gu Ping now?"

"How is it possible? How could Zhong Lian help Gu Ping? Didn't he know that Gu Ping harmed Qin Zexi?"

Xu Qinqi looked indifferent: "Zhong Lian is just a part-time worker, so he can help anyone who is beneficial to him, and I heard that Zhong Lian went with Mr. Gu's will, otherwise you thought Gu Ping would be so Is it easy to trust him?"

"A will?" Su Zhaoxue frowned, still in disbelief.

How could it be Zhong Lian, how could it be Zhong Lian, Qin Zexi's most trusted friend?
"Yes, if you don't believe me, go ask Yu Guo, isn't she connected with Zhong now?"

Su Zhaoxue didn't even know how she climbed up the stairs and walked into the room.

The whole person seemed to have lost his soul, he staggered and bumped several times before he entered the room, closed the door, and dialed Yu Guo's phone.

After a long time, the phone was picked up by Yu Guo, and before the other person could speak, Su Zhaoxue asked eagerly: "Zhong Lian went back?"

"Yeah." Yu Guo's voice was timid: "Sister Xue, I didn't mean not to call you, it's just. Just."

"He went to seek refuge with Gu Ping, holding Mr. Gu's will?"

Yu Guo was very anxious, and there was a tear in his voice: "Yes, sister Xue, I really didn't know that he would do such a thing before, and I didn't know until he took it."

"What about others?" Su Zhaoxue thought she would be furious, but when Yu Guo finished speaking and confirmed that the whole thing was true, she was unusually calm.

"He's not at home. He hasn't come back since he showed up. I got the news from others."

"Then I'll call him."

After Su Zhaoxue finished speaking, she hung up directly, and then quickly dialed Zhong Lian's number.

The clock was connected very quickly, but when it was connected, the other side was very noisy, it sounded like it was at a dinner party.

Su Zhaoxue said calmly: "Go find a quiet place, I have something to ask you."

"Say something quickly, fart quickly, who do you think you are, and I will go if you ask me?" Unexpectedly, Zhong Lian was very impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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