After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 503 Sakura Wants to Replace Su Zhaoxue

Chapter 503 Sakura Wants to Replace Su Zhaoxue
"Hehe, how do you know that Qin Zexi won't marry me?"

Unexpectedly, Sakura was smiling, and even stretched out her hand to provoke Su Zhaoxue's chin: "It seems that what this person looks like is also a skill. Look at your little face and big eyes. I am alone." Women think you are not good-looking, let alone men."

"You said if I became like you, would Qin Zexi like me?"

Having said this, Su Zhaoxue finally knew why Sakura was wrapped in gauze around her face.

"Did you go for plastic surgery?" Su Zhaoxue felt incredible.

Is Sakura thinking that she can become like her, is she crazy?
"Well, as long as you're gone, and I become like you and stay by Qin Zexi's side, just because I look like you, he will definitely like me." Sakura didn't think it was ridiculous at all.

"You think Qin Zexi is too superficial. Even if you have a face like a fairy, if he doesn't like you, he will never like you."

Sakura suddenly became excited: "Fart, what are you talking about? Aren't men all visual animals? As long as I become good-looking, as good-looking as you, Qin Zexi will definitely like me."

Su Zhaoxue knew that Sakura had entered a dead end at this time, and she strongly hoped that Qin Zexi would like her. This kind of thought was like a vine in her heart, growing more and more, until now Her heart was all wrapped together.

That's why she couldn't help herself like crazy!
"If you think he will like it, then he will definitely like you. I can also leave him, but can you give me Niuniu, and I will take her away, and I promise that I will never appear in front of Qin Zexi."

Su Zhaoxue doesn't want to talk too much with her anymore, no matter what, she must find a way to get out!

But Yinghua smiled after hearing her words: "Promise? What's the use of your guarantee? You fooled Gu Ping back then, but now you can't fool me? Do you think I will believe you? In this world, there is only one who cannot move. Only those who know her will be able to guarantee that she will not appear."

Su Zhaoxue was shocked, her pupils dilated instantly and looked at her: "What are you going to do?"

"I don't want to do anything. It's just that this house will be demolished sooner or later. It's better if I do something good and burn it down. Hahaha, it's so clean. How nice of you to say."

A fire burned?

Su Zhaoxue never imagined that Sakura would frantically want to burn her and Niuniu to death.

No, no, absolutely not!
She pinched the fence of the cage and begged Sakura: "Sakura, you want to burn me to death, I have no opinion, but can you let Niuniu go, she is still so young, she doesn't know anything, she just came here There is no time to take a look at anything in the world. Don’t you want Qin Zexi to like you? It’s just that you can take advantage of this opportunity. If you pretend that you saved Niuniu, he will definitely be grateful to you.”

Su Zhaoxue's words seemed to make Sakura hesitate for a moment, and Sakura squatted in front of her. Although Su Zhaoxue couldn't see her expression or eyes, she could see that Sakura's movements stopped.

In other words, what Su Zhaoxue said at the moment gave Sakura another idea.

Su Zhaoxue hurriedly continued: "Sakura, Niuniu is Qin Zexi's daughter, he will definitely be grateful to you."

(End of this chapter)

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