After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 504 Kowtow to Sakura

Chapter 504 Kowtow to Sakura

"As long as you take Niuniu out and pretend that you were burned by the fire, won't you be able to have plastic surgery to look like me in front of Qin Zexi? Qin Zexi will not only keep you by his side, but maybe he will really like it And you."

Su Zhaoxue is really fighting, she just wants Sakura to let Niuniu go, as for other things, she has no way to think about it, and she doesn't want to think about it.

It seemed impossible to expect someone to rescue her. Even if Qin Zexi found out that she was missing, it would be very difficult to find her within a day in such a large area of ​​the capital.

"Su Zhaoxue, it seems that this child holds a very important position in your heart. You can't even care about yourself, but you still remember to keep her alive."

Sakura paused for about three seconds, then suddenly spoke.

Hearing her tone, Su Zhaoxue thought that she must be tempted, grabbed the cage tightly, and hurriedly said: "She is my daughter, I just want her to live, you can burn me to death, I guarantee that there will be no resistance at all, as long as you promise to let Niuniu survive."

"Resist? Do you think you can still resist? Hmph, it's ridiculous, Su Zhaoxue, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me, do you know that?" Unexpectedly, Sakura's attitude suddenly changed.

While talking, she got up and walked to Niu Niu's side, and kicked her again: "Didn't you say she is your daughter, it just so happens that you both died here, and you can still be a mother and daughter in the next life, Su Zhaoxue , you have to thank me, you know."

"Sakura, she's just a child, how many obstacles can she have for you?" Su Zhaoxue was in a hurry. She thought that Sakura was tempted, but she didn't want to. It turned out that she guessed wrong.

I don't know if Sakura's kick was too hard. Niuniu, who had been sleeping there all the time, suddenly woke up, probably frightened, and started crying non-stop when she woke up.

The crying sound was not small, but it made Yinghua panic all of a sudden, and kicked Niuniu again: "Why are you crying, shut up."

Unexpectedly, with this kick, Niuniu cried even louder!

Su Zhaoxue looked distressed, but there was nothing she could do, so she stretched out her hand, trying to comfort Niuniu: "Niuniu, don't cry, be good, mom is by your side, don't cry, okay?"

But just comforting her like this didn't work at all, Niu Niu was still crying loudly.

The newborn child already had a low sense of security, Sakura not only made her hungry, but also left her there alone, and now she even kicked her.

Su Zhaoxue was so distressed that she was about to bleed, Niuniu cried, and her tears flowed down. She had no choice but to kneel in the cage and kowtow to Sakura: "Sakura, I beg you, she It's just a child, a child who has just been born for a few days, what can she know, she doesn't know anything, I beg you, can you let her go?"

Niuniu was crying there all the time, the cry was like a knife, gouging out Su Zhaoxue's distressed heart, she kowtowed vigorously to the cherry blossoms, and hit her head on the iron cage with a "slap" Only ring.

She had just given birth, and she was already weak, and because she hadn't eaten for a few days, she was even dizzy from hunger, and she couldn't even kneel down stably, as if she had lost all strength in her body. look.

(End of this chapter)

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