After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 505 Yu Guo Comes

Chapter 505 Yu Guo Comes
Every time I look up, I feel dizzy, as if I will pass out here in the next second.

But Su Zhaoxue knew that she couldn't pass out.

Clenching her teeth tightly, she kept muttering: "She's just a child, please let her go."

Niu Niu's crying continued, Sakura seemed to be a little impatient with the noise, she didn't care about Su Zhaoxue whose forehead was already red, but shouted to the door: "Bring the things in, splash it!" Inside, quickly burn it down for me."

Su Zhaoxue smelled a very pungent gasoline smell, she suddenly raised her head and looked over.

Then it was discovered that there were two more men in the room, and each man was holding a large barrel of gasoline, and they were pouring gasoline along the corner of the room.

Su Zhaoxue was startled and immediately shouted: "Sakura, you can't be like this, Sakura, I beg you, can you let Niuniu go?"

"Hmph, Su Zhaoxue, you'd better save your strength, so that you can hold the child more firmly when you hold the child later."

Unexpectedly, Sakura snorted disdainfully, and then quickly ordered: "Go and open the cage for her, and I will show kindness, so that their mother and daughter can lie together when they die."

One of the men got the order and quickly came over and opened the cage.

Su Zhaoxue almost rolled and crawled out of the cage, and then crawled towards Niu Niu.

Niuniu was crying non-stop, but the moment Su Zhaoxue picked her up, the little guy stopped crying.

He looked at Su Zhaoxue with his eyes open without blinking, tears were still hanging on his little face, the little guy was lying quietly in Su Zhaoxue's arms, motionless, thin and small.

Su Zhaoxue hugged her tightly, stretched out her hand to gently caress the little guy's face, her eyes were sore, but tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"Hurry up, all of you, and burn this place to ashes before they arrive."

The sound of the cherry blossoms sounded, bringing Su Zhaoxue back to her senses in an instant. She looked up at the cherry blossoms, and kept stepping back holding Niu Niu: "No, no, no, Sakura, you can't burn Niuniu to death, you can't burn to death she."

Su Zhaoxue didn't know where she got her strength, she got up from the ground, hugged Niuniu and wanted to rush out.

"Stop her for me."

However, as soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by one of the men.

Sakura sneered disdainfully: "Want to run? Where do you think you can go? I have shown kindness and let you die with your woman. You'd better not annoy me, or I will Just put her in a cage and let you watch her burn to death in front of you."

When Sakura was talking, she suddenly pointed her finger at Niu Niu in Su Zhaoxue's arms.

Subconsciously, Su Zhaoxue was protecting Niu Niu and tightened her arms tightly. At this moment, Sakura seemed to be crazy, crazy and irrational at all.

Su Zhaoxue was anxious and afraid: "Sakura, I beg you."

But now she is no match for those two men at all, she can't escape, so she can only keep begging Sakura.

"You beg me."

Sakura seemed to be about to say something when the door of the room was suddenly knocked open from the outside.

Then Su Zhaoxue heard Yu Guo anxiously calling her voice: "Sister Xue."

Su Zhaoxue looked over with tears streaming down her face!

(End of this chapter)

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