After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 506 Chapter 506 Yu Guo Comes

Chapter 506 Five hundred six

At a glance, I saw Xu Qinqi and Yu Guo rushing in from the outside!

"Whoever of you dares to come in and take Su Zhaoxue away, I'll just click here."

Yu Guo seemed to want to rush towards Su Zhaoxue, but was stopped by Sakura's shout.

Sakura was holding a lighter in her hand, and the lighter was ignited, with a small flame floating.

But the smell of gasoline all over the room is reminding everyone that this is not a simple flame!

"Sakura, why did you kidnap Sister Xue and Niuniu?" Yu Guo couldn't help but questioned Sakura.

Unexpectedly, Yinghua said: "Ask the person next to you, Luo, he gave me an idea."

Yu Guo looked at Xu Qinqi in disbelief, and saw that his complexion was not very good, and the eyes he looked at Sakura were also extremely unkind: "Let them go."

"Heh, Xu Qinqi, do you want to be a hero to save the beauty?"

But Yu Guo suddenly laughed: "I'm really sorry, Su Zhaoxue must die here today."

Yu Guo became anxious, and shouted directly: "You dare."

"If you let Su Zhaoxue go, I guarantee that she will not appear in front of Qin Zexi in the future, but if you hurt Su Zhaoxue today, I can also guarantee that Qin Zexi will make your life worse than death."

Xu Qinqi was not as anxious as Yu Guo, but he looked at the cherry blossoms with cold eyes, and there was a fearful gloomyness in his words.

"You think I'm afraid of you if you're like this, at worst, you'll all die here to make Su Zhaoxue's apology."

Although she couldn't see her expression clearly, there was an uncontrollable panic in Sakura's words!
"Then you can give it a try. Qin Zexi should be on his way now. I want to see if it's you or Qin Zexi who is faster."

Sakura squeezed her palms fiercely, stood there and looked at Xu Qinqi: "You take Su Zhaoxue away, and the child must stay."


Su Zhaoxue yelled subconsciously, and then hugged Niuniu in her arms.

It's just that when Sakura's words fell, she had already ordered the man next to her. The man's strength was very strong, and he snatched Niu Niu away.

"Give Niuniu back to me."

Su Zhaoxue wants to take the child back!
"I can't go." Sakura suddenly lit the lighter in her hand, and then threw it into the gasoline barrel beside her.

The gasoline barrel was ignited in an instant, and then another man kicked the barrel down, and the gasoline poured out, and then the flame followed the direction of the gasoline flow, and instantly became connected with the gasoline that was poured out before.

The house was filled with flames!
"Throw the child in." Sakura instructed the man holding the child.

"No." Su Zhaoxue yelled, trying to stop the man.

It's just that Xu Qinqi has already stepped forward to hold her back: "Go, hurry up, or you will die here too."

Su Zhaoxue struggled desperately, she wanted to grab that man!
Her niu, her niu, can't be thrown into the fire!

Her Niuniu is still so small!
The temperature in the room is getting higher and higher, accompanied by Niuniu's deafening crying!

Su Zhaoxue's eyes were red with anxiety, but her strength was not enough at all, she bit Xu Qinqi's arm that was holding her, trying to make Xu Qinqi let her go.

But Xu Qinqi frowned, but he didn't let go of his pulling force at all.

At this moment, Yu Guo was beside him, and suddenly rushed towards the man holding Niu Niu!
(End of this chapter)

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