Chapter 51
"Hello Miss Su, we meet again."

Huang Hongyu had seen Qin Zexi stand out for Su Zhaoxue in the film crew before, so he naturally knew that Su Zhaoxue's status was unusual, so he smiled brilliantly.

"Mr. Huang, hello!" Su Zhaoxue responded with a smile.

At this moment, Qin Zexi got out of the car, and Huang Hongyu immediately bowed and trotted around the car: "Boss Qin."

Qin Zexi turned around and stared straight ahead, glanced at Su Zhaoxue indifferently, then nodded lightly: "Is Mr. Su from the Su family here?"

"Here we are, waiting for you in the high-level conference room on the top floor."

"Well, let's go up then."

As he said that, he already took steps towards the inside of the company.

The people next to him also followed behind him like a tide.

Su Zhaoxue stood beside the car, a little at a loss.

With Qin Zexi's posture, he probably won't wait for her again!

Thinking about whether she should be silent later, walk at the end of the line and follow.

But it doesn't matter, a cold voice suddenly came over: "Hurry up and go."

Su Zhaoxue looked up, and saw not far away, about three steps away, Qin Zexi was stopping there.

There was no superfluous expression on Zhang Zhang's face, but those dark eyes were staring straight at her, as if they had seen through her directly.

Su Zhaoxue was startled, caught off guard and had no time to think, she answered and walked forward.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but as they walked, the distance between the two of them became shorter and shorter, and finally reached the point where they could bump into each other's palms if they didn't pay attention.

Su Zhaoxue shrank her body cautiously, trying her best not to touch him, so as not to offend him.

But even so, the hands and arms of the two can still touch together as if there is nothing.

A slight touch came from the other end of the palm, not too obvious, but it still made Su Zhaoxue go numb all over, and her heart beat violently.

Coupled with the fact that the two were too close, Qin Zexi's breath penetrated into her nose everywhere.

This feeling made her both excited and nervous.

The excitement is that she is so close to him, so close that she can hold his arm just by reaching out, just like a couple.

The nervous thing is that she is not that close to him at all, Qin Zexi's temperament is too cold, and they walk close together like this, the oppressive feeling on his body is too strong, which makes her feel like she can be loved by him all the time. The illusion of pushing away.

After finally reaching the elevator entrance, one elevator happened to come down first.

Huang Hongyu hurriedly stood by the elevator door, pressing the door open button with one hand, and making a gesture of invitation with the other hand: "President Qin, please invite you, Miss Su and Assistant Zhong first, we will take a seat and then just come."

Qin Zexi nodded and walked in, followed by Su Zhaoxue. As soon as one foot stepped into the elevator, she heard a soft female voice behind her.

"Hey, I'm going up too, wait for me."

Su Zhaoxue paused for a moment, and before she could turn her head, she was bumped from the side, and the person who bumped her, didn't know if it was intentional, even pulled her clothes and led her out of the elevator.

It was too unexpected, Su Zhaoxue was unprepared and directly ran out of the elevator.

"Ah." Subconsciously, Su Zhaoxue wanted to hold the elevator and stabilize herself.

 I will ask for it every day, five-star praise!

(End of this chapter)

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